In case you were wondering if it is possible for Pope Francis to be any cooler… It is a little known fact that he is greatly inspired by the example of St. Thérèse of Lisieux.
Of course, why am I surprised? Pope Francis has a humble simplicity about him just like the little St. Theresita who promoted a simple way to holiness.
Pope Francis has talked about St. Thérèse in his homilies since becoming pope and a couple years ago he revealed that he believes Saint Thérèse sent him a surprise white rose on September 8th, the day after the vigil for peace in Syria as a sign that she was interceding for the concerns he had entrusted to her.
So what can you do today on the feast of this inspiring saint to learn more about her and her powerful intercession?
1. Listen to this beautiful video where Pope Francis, while he was still a cardinal, describes the spirituality of St. Thérèse.
2. Begin a novena to St. Thérèse to ask her to intercede for your intentions (for those averse to novenas, it is just like asking a friend to pray for you – it just happens that this friend is in heaven, and she is a special friend of Jesus!).
3. Read this gorgeous book about the spirituality of St. Thérèse written by a French priest who clearly understood, absorbed, lived and loved her “Little Way” (this book is published by my religious congregation – so support nuns by reading about a very holy nun – it’s a win-win situation)