Connor Brennan is a young gay Methodist interested in Catholic spirituality, especially the testimonies of the saints. Connor is a graduate of Kent State University with a B.A. in English. Ironically for an English major, Connor has numerous issues with his native language, especially for the bizarre pronunciation of certain words (to this day, he’s still looking for the silent “h” in the word “sugar”).
His hobbies include photography, Bible analysis, and video games, especially the Silent Hill and Life is Strange series. Silent Hill contains clever analogies to real-world religious fanaticism. Life is Strange paints a poignant picture of the many struggles youth face as they try to understand themselves in an ever-changing world.
Music keeps Connor moving on his lowest days, and he’s a huge fan of both Pat Benatar and The Eurythmics. There’s only “Sweet Dreams” in store for him when he hears Annie Lennox’s fantastic voice.
A young millennial who’s been called a “gay Mr. Rogers” with his love of cardigans and kindness, Connor strives to uplift everybody in his life with compassion and plenty of puns (the good, the bad, and the downright wonky).