Back2Quran Ramadan Series: Short Summary of Chapter 10 (Younus)

Back2Quran Ramadan Series: Short Summary of Chapter 10 (Younus) July 13, 2014

What this project is: This Ramadan, rekindle your spirituality and relationship with God by reading the Quran in a language you understand! To facilitate those who find reading the Quran for the first time daunting, we, at Quranalyze It, will be posting short chapter summaries to get you acquainted with the basic theme and content of a particular chapter. It is important to note, however, that these summaries are no substitute to reading the Quran, and should be used as a bridge towards the Quran, or as an additional tool.

If you like the idea behind this project, and would like to read the summaries of the subsequent chapters in the coming days, then subscribe to our blog to receive an email whenever we publish a new summary. Please read, and share it far and wide!

With chapter 10 starts the A.L.R series that continues until chapter 15. These chapters are very spiritual and persuasive in nature, having similar themes. I would recommend reading these short 5 chapters in one go!


  1. The theme of Chapter 10 very much resembles the theme of chapter 6 and is primarily focused over monotheism vs polytheism, with numerous arguments to convince the reader to avoid dogmas and come towards the source (God).
  2. Another theme is the Quran: how people reject it without truly investigating it, it’s divine origins because it confirms your conscience, how people demand the messenger to change it, and being patient while it is being revealed.
  3. Outlines the many shortcomings of man in approaching God: asking for supernatural miracles, being ungrateful, and insincerity.
  4. Critical thinking and reasoning for yourselves is also another prevalent theme
  5. Shows two realms, the physical realm and the spiritual realm. Those who seek to attain only material possessions ignore their soul, and thus eliminate any chance to attain bliss.

Chapter Notes:

  1. Ch 10 mentions Quran for the second time by explaining how we can compare the guidance of Quran to other discourses claiming to guide people to a higher truth (10/31-42). Only Quran truly encapsulates the human condition. This is the first passage detailing Quran’s proof (From Introduction to the Quran: An Existential Reading by Farouk Peru)
  2. Has two calls to mankind.
  3. Freedom of belief is strongly advocated in this chapter.
  4. Narrates the account of Musa, Nooh and Younus (briefly).
  5. Urges people to ponder over the universe and within themselves to attain signs, instead of asking for supernatural miracles.

Passage breakdowns:

Passage 1 (1-10)

  • The chapter starts off by questioning the reader: Why is it an astonishing thing that a messenger has come to you from amongst yourselves? Jealousy is an enemy of truth.
  • How God operates in the universe is outlined.
  • Only those who don’t expect accountability and are satisfied with the worldly glamor are heedless of God’s signs. These people will never truly attain bliss.
  • While those who acknowledge God’s signs and continuously reform themselves will make themselves worthy of bliss, continuously thanking and praising God for it.

Passage 2 (11-25)

  • It is God’s mercy that His Law of Requital does not grasp the oppressors instantly. He gives them time to mend their ways.
  • When affliction falls upon humans, they immediately turn to God. However, when that affliction is removed, they become ungrateful and plot against God’s commandments as if they had never called God.
  • When God’s signs/verses are conveyed to those who don’t expect to be held accountable, they ask you to alter the Quran to conform to their desires, or that you bring a new book altogether! However, the messenger is not allowed to do this.
  • These folks serve those who bring neither harm nor benefit, and expect them to be intercessors. However, all this is in vain.


  • Mankind was united, but they differed. If it were not for freewill, God would have judged their disputes immediately!
  • And they ask the Messenger to come forth with signs, while all the Signs belong to God! (Signs are what you witness within yourself, not externally)
  • First call to mankind: Your rebellion is against yourself! Enjoyment of the worldly life with disregard of Eternity, is but a fleeting delight.
  • Metaphors on how the worldly life is so temporary.
  • God calls you towards the abode of peace! And he guides those who will to be guided to the straight path.

Passage 3 (26-56)

  • Those who do good will attract more goodness (law of attraction). No trace of misery or humiliation will fall upon them.
  • While those who do commit evil will live a life of misery and humiliation.
  • On the day of accountability, the “idols” people had worshiped would disapprove of their service!
  • God controls everything, not the “idols” people serve. How, then, are you so deluded?
  • The majority of people follow nothing but conjecture. And it is God’s law that those who drift away from reason will never acknowledge.


  • This Quran is not something that can be fabricated as it confirms what you already possess (your conscience). Therefore, there is no doubt that it from the Sustainer of the Universe.
  • If you can, produce 10 chapters in similitude of Quran to challenge its divine authenticity.
  • But people reject the Quran, before even investigating it sincerely.
  • If they reject you, simply part ways. You are not accountable for them.
  • Those who do not reason can never be guided.


  • God does not oppress people, but people oppress themselves (freewill).
  • For every Ummah is a messenger who judged things in justice and never oppressed.
  • Every community determines its own rise and fall. When the time comes, they can neither delay, nor hasten the requital

Passage 3 (57-71)

  • Second call to mankind: There has now come to you Enlightenment from your Sustainer, and a healing for all that troubles your hearts; and guidance and grace to all who embrace it. This guidance is better than acquiring material possessions.
  • Do not invent lies about God, saying this food is lawful and that is unlawful when no such ordinance has been passed.
  • Whatever good or evil you do is recorded.
  • Let not their utterances grieve you. God will honor you.
  • And they say God has taken a son/favorite.

Passage 4 (72-74)

  • Briefly mentions the account of Nooh and how his people rejected him

Passage 5 (75-93)

  • Narrates the account of Musa and how Firaun rejected him. However, at the time of death, Firaun suddenly seemed to acknowledged Musa’s system but that was too late! As a sign, his body was saved (currently in the Cairo Museum).

Passage 6 (94-103)

  • If you have some doubts pertinent to the book, you are encouraged to ask folks who seem to have more knowledge than you.
  • The community of Younus was an exception, in the sense that they adopted belief holistically which benefited them.
  • If God had willed, every human would have believed. How, then, can you force people into accepting your faith?
  • He places confusions in the minds of those who do not reason.
  • If you want signs, ponder over the universe.

Passage 7 (104-109) – A summation of the entire chapter.

  • You have been commanded to set your purpose towards Deen as a monotheist and never associate others with God.
  • Whoever guides himself guides for his own benefit and vice versa.
  • Obey what is revealed to you and be patient until God’s judgment comes towards you.

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