March 18, 2018

  Whitney Mariah Janet Beyonce Madonna Selena Rihanna Beloved by the masses, these stars’ ubiquitous fame affords them first-name only recognition. Then, there is Omarosa. Whether we like it or not, masses know her on a first name basis, too. And this emerging fact makes her critics cringe. Omarosa Manigault-Newman seems to be either loved or hated, with the latter trending in liberal media. She has been on a fast-track of sealing her fate as a villainous icon, becoming someone... Read more

March 11, 2018

  In Part I, I discussed honoring people’s free wills, our own principles and trusting God instead of trying to make/force people to change. With this being said, I am not sitting on some lofty perch in the third heavenlies, looking down on mere mortals with the disdain of a pearl clutcher because, like God, my ways are higher than their ways. All of us sin. Granted, certain sins have greater natural consequences and impact than others. In this final... Read more

March 4, 2018

Have you ever met people who seem like they are bent on a self-destructive path-as if they live a battle cry of “Come hell or high water, don’t stop me from ruining my life?” I am not talking about run-of-the-mill self-sabatoge, as in “I ate a candy bar two days after my New Year’s resolution diet.” No. I am talking Mortal Kombat levels of self-destruction. But, here is the more pertinent question: Have you ever tried to save or help... Read more

February 25, 2018

  Over the past week, my husband, the love of my life, my best friend, the one who gets me, the one who made me believe in love in ways I never thought I could, had a medical emergency. I did not and do not feel like social justicing. Yes, I created a verb out of social justice. You know it was only a matter of time. I do not feel like -isming. That is, coming against social ills like,... Read more

February 18, 2018

  A recent school shooting had taken place. It alarmed and grieved many of us, who followed another tragedy unfold in the news.  As I walked through the hallways at a predominantly White high school,  the tension pulled at me with each step. I overhead a conversation. Congregated by lockers, a concerned White male student spoke with his peers. He confessed, “I’m scared about being here, not going to visit Central Elm High* (predominantly Black school).” His peers looked with sobering... Read more

February 10, 2018

  The United States’ obsession with youth has created a monster where disrespect to olders continues to unfold as a norm. It has bothered me for quite some time. It seems like ageism is not as en vogue as sexism, racism, or homophobia, for riots or marches over the issue have not been a staple in our country’s civil disobedience repertoire. It matters just as much. Recently, I have observed two occurrences of ageism. One intentional and one unintentional. These... Read more

February 3, 2018

  Have you ever wanted to do something different, anything from a new hobby to a career change to starting your own business to a new hair color, yet you thought about what your friends and family would think about your past and your choice? Have you ever started rehearsing in your mind what shortcomings people would bring up or what they would say you were trying to be? “Who does she think she is?” “Remember when she said she... Read more

January 27, 2018

I used to watch and laugh at Black male comedians who would wear dresses to mock Black women. I thought it was just a joke and there was no need to be so serious about everything. My thinking was a complete and ignorant cop-out. I no longer laugh at the social media viral videos of Black men who pretend to represent Black women for a good laugh. I do not watch movies or shows where it is the same old... Read more

January 20, 2018

When you have millions from the public and your peers applauding your fashion choice, I doubt you need to muster up the courage of a lion to wear a black gown to the Golden Globe Awards as a protest. But, what about the woman living the metaphorical black dress, feeling alone in her fight for years? What is not easy is deciding to sell your home to cover the costs of fighting Harvey Weinstein, like Rose McGowan. What is not... Read more

January 13, 2018

I avoid turnpikes, toll roads, or whatever else you want to call them, as much as possible. Could it be the arbitrary stops clashing against my primal freewill? Could it be my subconscious prudence raising eyebrows at paying tolls? I do not know why taking these thoroughfares bother me as much as they do, but they certainly do. Regardless of the reasons, recently, I think I went a tad far with my aversion to turnpikes, and it revealed a lesson... Read more

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