July 24, 2018

Whelp, last week, I ended up being the only Christian hanging out at a Muslim cookout. God moves in mysterious ways.  I felt like I shed another layer of religiousness because there is much fear in some Christian churches about anything related to Islam. Contrary to particular teachings, I believe Christians can have the love of Christ dwelling richly in them, explore different religious perspectives, and connect with people of different faiths without it devolving into another grand concern about... Read more

July 21, 2018

Most of us have experienced disappointment at some point in our lives. Someone said or did something to betray your trust-to burn you. Burn is right because the stinging and searing agony can leave damage long after the episode or relationship has passed. The degrees and depths of the pain from being burned can be as far ranging as the cause. How do you keep your heart open to others afterward? How do you allow yourself to be vulnerable again... Read more

July 17, 2018

Before I chose to quit the Bible for a year, I thought about my example as a parent. I considered what I would be teaching with my life. I asked myself, “What kind of parent stops reading her Bible? Why would you do that when your son is getting ready to go to college?” These questions stemmed from fear and self-accusation. Instead of shrinking back because of self-imposed fears, I gave myself permission to see this area with eyes of... Read more

July 14, 2018

Fannie Lou Hamer has been on my mind. In this post, I explore challenging and straightforward questions, as I reflect on the blessing of her work and the expectation of Black women to struggle on behalf of various communities for social progress. Are We Smiling Up There Do Black women smile in heaven? Once we get there, do we have more to climb? Do Black women enjoy Paradise, looking down at oppression all over the world? These questions linger as I... Read more

July 9, 2018

Seven days have passed since I quit reading the Bible, and one thing has become clear to me: I am a Christian heathen. Here are three thoughts from my week of discovering my heathenish identity in da Lawd. 1. Sending That God to Hell Knock on wood and clutch the crucifixes at the end of your necklaces, for I have not made Lucifer my best friend. If you left it to a cadre of Christians concerned for my soul, they... Read more

July 7, 2018

“Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk.” Never underestimate the influence a good slogan. I shall not go into detail, but this message made a significant impact on me. I think one of the powerful principles inherent in this U.S. national campaign to deter accidents and fatalities related to driving under the influence was its focus on relational responsibility within our highly individualistic society. It prompted us to face our definitions of care, love, and friendship when tested in these situations.... Read more

July 2, 2018

I am quitting the Bible, the Holy Bible, the Good Book for a year. After decades of walking with da Lawd, today, I am pausing from reading the Bible for three hundred sixty-five days. Call it a blasphemous birthday present. Call it whatever you want. I call it an invitation into drawing closer to God; a beckoning into the wilderness with Jesus for a fellowship unknown. Although I am quitting the Bible, I am not quitting Jesus. You might wonder,... Read more

June 30, 2018

Are you judging your up? That is, have you ever minimized your gifts, wins, resilience, or merely being? Has the pursuit of accomplishing your goals ever led to heightened self-criticism of your efforts? If so, you have judged your ups, and I share three reasons to stop it pronto in this post. First, I shall share a little background. Tawanda, a woman at my local gym, is a walking fitness inspiration, giving words of wisdom, encouragement with the authority of... Read more

June 23, 2018

In case you did not get the memo, you can no longer assume that we, the people, share common values in the United States of America. If you,  like me, thought there was a general consensus that actions like child abuse or neglect were heartless and wrong, well, we were wrong. The recent stir over children separated from their parents attempting to migrate at the U.S. border has revealed much proof that the line for cruelty has been erased. Something... Read more

May 31, 2018

Greetings!  I am away on holiday. Posts will resume by the end of the week of June 17, 2018. Peace, love, and all that jazz, Dr. Sam Read more

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