January 6, 2018

I think we need to face a few issues about race riots. Since we are not bombarded with media coverage at this time, perhaps you are wondering why I am discussing the matter. After all, there is a reason why typically you do not hear friends say things like, “Ahhh, Friend, nothing like starting the new year with a weight loss resolution coupled with a good ol’ race riot.” And when was the last time you heard your significant other say,... Read more

December 30, 2017

I went through hell this year. These days it seems rather taboo to own up to hell in your life. Screw that fakeness. I am not sorry to all the gurus, pastors, teachers, prophets, etc. who declared on their respective platforms about how this year would be the best year of your or my life. Forget going through hell, I had a hell year. What makes for a hell year? Glad you asked. A hell year consists of multiple hellish,... Read more

December 23, 2017

I am a Black woman visiting Utah. I feel like a Black woman visiting Utah. I am still uncertain about what this even means. Hey, you know what? I can liken it to moments when select White friends discuss traveling to a country where People of Color were the majority, and in an epiphanous instance, they realized they were “White.” On the other hand, I knew I was Black before my trip. Fortunately, navigating and exploring contexts with varied demographic... Read more

December 16, 2017

I think there is a Black woman out there who might think my husband is some racist White man in leadership at a local health-focused grocery store. And it is not the case. Besides how can he be racist when he is married to a Black woman? Come on, some of his best friends are— Okay, I am being snarky. Let me tell you how it all unfolded. It Started With a Date A couple of nights after Thanksgiving, my... Read more

December 9, 2017

A growing trend within our U.S. society is to rummage through social media garbage and comb the archives of the world wide web to retrieve that one carefully selected, possibly taken out of context, tweet from 2009 to prove that a person is a sexist, misogynistic protector of the evil patriarchal order in efforts to get the person fired from her/his job. By the way, this scenario happened to Sam Seder, an MSNBC contributor. The story made for news. Big... Read more

December 1, 2017

I do not mean to rain on Black women’s celebratory barbecues, which is a signal to ready the umbrellas. Look,  Meghan Markle is not Keisha Kaepernick.  In other words, she is not proclaiming a Black identity or racially politicizing her wedding or her marriage for a social cause like she is the female version of Colin Kaepernick. As a matter of fact, she does not identify as a Black woman. She identifies as a biracial woman. She has not positioned... Read more

November 22, 2017

We have a Perv Plague. That is, a plague of perversion. Someone needs to say it. The Perv Plague is where perverts run amok, using insidious and manipulative tactics to leech the life and soul out of individuals and societies. Oh, and by perverts, I mean people who are trapped in perversion and, as a result, make perverted choices. For those who are gasping in shock at my use of perv, I am taking up this notion of living as... Read more

November 17, 2017

[social_warfare] I did not know AC/DC was a Christian rock band. Was “Highway to Hell” a prophetic song about these times? I ask because many of our principles in these and future (because there will be more) issues seem to be on either a Trump train or a wide liberal highway headed straight to hell. On Wednesday, six House Democrats introduced articles of impeachment against Trump. Once again, we have another politimedia (politics +media) fiasco to pull on people’s emotions... Read more

November 10, 2017

Has #Metoo become another case of whitewashing a movement? When Alyssa Milano asked for victims of sexual harassment or assault to tweet #MeToo, a viral response swept over social media. The problem is that Alyssa Milano didn’t start the campaign. A woman by the name of Tarana Burke began a Me Too movement 10 years ago. In case you didn’t know, Alyssa Milano is a White woman. Tarana Burke is a Black woman.  Both women have a race and a... Read more

November 3, 2017

Some situations are Black and White to me. Some situations are clear as day, while others are shrouded in gray. To discern among these situations requires that I examine not only the world around me, but also search my own views-my own heart. Since my immediate response and thinking surrounding September 11, I try to refrain from jumping on emotional bandwagons after terrorist attacks or mass shootings, including the attack in Las Vegas. I am attempting to learn from the... Read more

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