September 12, 2024

In today’s digital world—and especially in an election year—it’s heartbreaking to see God’s people become a bickering, angry mob. (If you don’t believe me, spend a few minutes reading comments on YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter/X.) We are not called to be a herd of online bullies, rushing to judgment and egging each other on to defame our brothers and sisters. (Some of whom may well be more faithful and honorable in God’s sight than we are.) We desperately need the... Read more

September 9, 2024

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Becoming a new creation sounds as if it involves a radical change, and indeed it does! Hence, C. S. Lewis could say: “The Christian life is simply a process of having your natural self changed into a Christ self, and…this process goes on very far inside. One’s most private wishes, one’s point of view, are the things that have... Read more

September 5, 2024

f you didn’t read Wednesday’s blog about Olympian Eric Liddell, I encourage you to go back and read that one first. The following story was first told in my book The Grace and Truth Paradox, and touches on Eric Liddell’s life after he won Olympic gold. I asked Stephanie Anderson, who works on EPM’s staff and helps with my blogs, to do some research and fill in the blanks to share more of what life was like for the children in the prison... Read more

September 2, 2024

This is the 100th anniversary of Eric Liddell winning the gold medal in the men’s 400m. He won it on July 11, 1924, but in this year‘s Olympics that event final is scheduled for August 7. And it is in Paris exactly as it was in 1924! Today’s blog is the repost of one I first shared about Eric in 2018, with the addition of a few paragraphs and some tweaks here and there. If ever we were going to reshare... Read more

August 29, 2024

I’ve been studying the love of Christ, and my heart has been touched first by Scripture, and second by great thoughts from God’s people. Hope you find these truths encouraging! Why not write out a verse or two, and a quotation or two, and post it where you can see it daily? “For when we were still helpless, Christ died for the wicked at the time that God chose. It is a difficult thing for someone to die for a... Read more

August 26, 2024

The only appraisal of your life that will ultimately matter is God’s. One of the greatest things you can ever do is to decide that you’re not going to live for the applause of any particular group—not even well-meaning family members or friends who sometimes could get your eyes of the prize of following Jesus. You need to determine to live out your life before the Audience of One, doing what you believe is right in the eyes of your... Read more

August 22, 2024

Jesus told of a servant whose debt to his master was 10,000 talents, the equivalent of millions of dollars. The servant begged forgiveness. Though the master had every right to imprison him for the rest of his life, he offered full pardon. Then this servant went out and found a fellow servant, who owed him a much smaller amount—1/600,000 of what he’d been forgiven. He demanded full and immediate payment. The debtor fell to his knees and pleaded for mercy.... Read more

August 21, 2024

A great deal of evidence argues for God’s existence. In my book If God Is Good, I summarize just a few of these arguments. The cosmological argument cites the world’s existence as evidence of an uncaused, eternal being who created and sustains it. Either something comes from nothing (an unscientific notion), or a first cause or “prime mover” existed prior to everything else. Francis Schaeffer argued in He Is There and He Is Not Silent that a personal first cause, God, could account for... Read more

August 15, 2024

Last fall, I visited Shepherd’s House Bible Church in Arizona and spoke at their college/young adult ministry, The Fold. Though the focus was on young adults, many of the great questions I was asked are applicable to believers of all ages. I love this church, and this ministry in particular, which has been instrumental in one of my grandson’s lives as he attends college nearby! And this fall, his brother will join him at the same college and plans to also attend Shepherd’s... Read more

August 12, 2024

Proverbs 6:16-19 says there are six things God hates, seven things detestable to the Lord. “Hands that shed innocent blood” would apply to abortion. “A heart that devises wicked schemes and feet that are quick to rush into evil” could apply to both homosexual and heterosexual sin. But let’s not stop there. The passage also includes a “false witness” and one “who stirs up dissension among brothers.” Wouldn’t we all like to think that WE couldn’t be guilty of any of... Read more

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