Imagine Meeting in Heaven Those We’ve Forgotten

Imagine Meeting in Heaven Those We’ve Forgotten June 17, 2024

Have you ever wished you had a better memory to recall the people you’ve met throughout your lifetime? I have often wished I could call up recordings of conversing with people I’ve met at churches, conventions, airports, and many more places. I suspect we will be able to recall conversations and “chance” meetings when we see those people again in Heaven, and instantly bond over what we had once completely or largely forgotten. I think that will be delightful, and we will suddenly understand that we owe this person thoughts and even life directions that we never realized.

It is more obvious to consider those we know we owe much to, such as parents, grandparents, and teachers, and it’s clear that we’ll know and recognize our loved ones and friends in Heaven. But how many people—including people whose names we never knew—said or did something that impacted us profoundly? Perhaps one day we will realize it, and I think we’ll be stunned and amazed how God used that stranger—and perhaps that angel in disguise (Hebrews 13:2)—to encourage, warn, or rebuke us. Or perhaps their words or actions prompted us to explore new directions or go to a particular place where God did a particular thing in us that molded us and shaped us into Christlikeness.

I think this could even extend to animal encounters that we had in this life, and since there are biblical grounds to believe there will be animals on the New Earth, perhaps we will see a dog, a frog, or a hog and remember what we had forgotten, or realize, for the first time ever, what we never knew.

For certain, we won’t be dumber once we get to Heaven; we’ll be smarter, with better memories than ever:

Ephesians 2:6-7 says, “God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace.” The word show means “to reveal.” The phrase in the coming ages clearly indicates this will be a progressive, ongoing revelation, in which we learn more and more about God’s grace. This may well include learning how God was working in our lives in ways we weren’t aware of at the time. And it will all be to His praise and glory.

What joy awaits us in reacquainting ourselves with people, angels, and animals that God brought into our lives for a purpose we never had a clue about!

Browse more resources on the topic of Heaven, and see Randy’s related books, including Heaven.

Photo: Pexels

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