How Can We Set Our Minds on Things Above?

How Can We Set Our Minds on Things Above? August 15, 2024

Last fall, I visited Shepherd’s House Bible Church in Arizona and spoke at their college/young adult ministry, The Fold. Though the focus was on young adults, many of the great questions I was asked are applicable to believers of all ages.

I love this church, and this ministry in particular, which has been instrumental in one of my grandson’s lives as he attends college nearby! And this fall, his brother will join him at the same college and plans to also attend Shepherd’s House.

(Many students, even at Christian colleges, drift from church while in school, and many of those never regain a solid commitment to the church. I can’t recommend strongly enough that parents encourage their college-age children to get involved in a Bible-based Jesus-centered church—do your homework, check around, and consider visiting together some solid churches near the college to help them get started.)

One of the questions I was asked at The Fold was, “What are some practical ways to set our minds on things above?” Since we’re commanded to do so in Colossians 3:2, it’s important we consider what it looks like to put this into practice:

Here’s the full interview:

Or if you’d like to jump to some of the other questions I answered, you can click each title to watch the clip:

How Would You Counsel Young People to Steward Their Youth Well?  

How Can a Young Dating Couple Pursue a God-Honoring Relationship? 

What Are Some Practical Tips to Be More Saturated in God’s Word? 

How Do Christians Manage Abundance without Being Influenced by Worldly Priorities? 

What Would You Say to Someone Who Wants to Go to Heaven Just to Be with Their Loved Ones? 

How Do We Help Someone Who Fears a Loved One’s Death?

What Will It Be Like to Walk with Jesus and See His Face? 

What Are Some Practical Ways to Set Our Minds on Things Above? 

What Would You Say to the Person Who Has Not Yet Chosen to Follow Jesus? 

Photo: Unsplash

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