Steven Curtis Chapman, Hope and Turning to God in Loss

Steven Curtis Chapman, Hope and Turning to God in Loss November 25, 2024

My daughter Angela and I were able to attend a Steven Curtis Chapman concert with some friends last month. Steven had asked to meet with me before the show to talk about how the Heaven book and Safely Home ministered to their family after their daughter Maria’s tragic death 16 years ago.

We prayed for him, and I encouraged him (and myself) to finish well. I saw strong indications of Steven’s spiritual depth—you often get that depth through turning to God in suffering and loss, as their whole family has.

If you want to see something powerful, go back in time to the Larry King Live interview with the Chapmans and three of their older children. What a marvelous thing it was for the family to agree to this interview instead of hiding from all the questions that were being asked. The gospel went far and wide through this 16 years ago, and has ever since as people see it for the first time or rewatch it. It certainly brought fresh tears to me.

There are four 7-minute or so segments:

One of the ministries EPM supports is Show Hope, which Steven and Mary Beth Chapman founded in 2003 after the adoption of their first daughter, Shaohannah Hope. Show Hope’s work is dedicated to breaking down barriers between waiting orphaned children and families. After Maria’s death, donations made in her memory helped build and launch Maria’s Big House of Hope—Show Hope’s flagship Care Center in Central China providing care for children with acute medical and special needs.

Photo: Unsplash

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