These days, we’re continually bombarded by “news” (which is sometimes more sensational than informative) that dwells on the sufferings, tragedies, and negatives of life. This unceasing avalanche of bad news, as well as rampant political tribalism, suspicion, and critical opinions, can quickly bury what Scripture calls “the good news of happiness” (Isaiah 52:7) and “good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10).
My wife Nanci wrote in her journal, “Please, Lord, whenever my heart leans toward anxiety and dread, bring me back into a Holy Spirit-led season of praise and thanks to You—the giver of all good things!”
Nanci wrote that while facing her cancer, but her wise words can be applied to current events, too. We shouldn’t feed ourselves primarily on news headlines, but on the good news of gospel truth.
Yet I don’t favor living in a cave, blissfully ignorant of the world’s woes and the suffering and difficulties around us. Rather, we’re to focus our thoughts on true eternal realities. Remembering God’s presence, praying, and feeding our minds with good things that honor our King—these practices will increase our joy while starving our anxiety.
That means when we do read the news, it’s important we analyze current events from a biblical perspective, always remembering what Scripture has to say. One source I highly recommend that does that is The Remnant, which is sent out three times a week by email. I think it is a very helpful, biblically-based, discerning, and concise summary of vital things going on in the world.
For example, in response to the recent headline “North Korea and Russia Teaming Up?” they wrote:
Sadly, wars and alliances between evil actors are possible on this side of the Fall (Romans 8:22). Thankfully, this is temporary. They’re only possible on this side of the New Heavens and New Earth (Revelation 22:3). There is an expiration date on evil, and only God knows when that date will arrive (Romans 16:20).
Jesus told us that we would hear of “wars and rumors of wars” in these last days but instructed us not to be alarmed, declaring that “such things must happen, but the end is still to come” (Matthew 24:6).
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7). An antidote to our worry is to take our eyes off of the happenings in the world and fix our eyes on the Lord. He is in control (Psalm 103:19), and He is good (Psalm 145:9).
God is the one who will ultimately settle disputes between nations (Isaiah 2:4). One day, there won’t be any more wars, for the former things will have passed away (Revelation 21:4). Continue to pray for peace and for Christ to come back quickly (Philippians 3:20).
Kathy Norquist, a board member at our ministry, recommends The Pour Over, which is also an email list that sends out Christian responses to news headlines. They describe it as: “The biggest news of the day, summarized in a way you’ll actually understand and enjoy, paired with brief Christian perspectives.”
If you enjoy listening instead of reading, The World and Everything In it is a daily podcast from WORLD Newsgroup with headlines, field reporting, interviews, and expert analysis. And Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has a podcast called The Briefing, which provides a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.