One Conspiracy Theory That Is Grounded in Scripture

One Conspiracy Theory That Is Grounded in Scripture January 9, 2025

Evangelist and author Greg Stier shared this on X:


Behind every evil in this world there is a closely knit network of highly resourced influencers who manipulate the system (Hollywood, politics, media, etc.) and are conspiring to take down evangelical Christians and destroy the global church.

It’s not the Illuminati.

It’s not extreme left wingers.

It’s not the Deep State.

It’s deeper than that.

It’s Satan and his invisible army of fallen angels, nicknamed “demons.”

They never sleep. They are organized and synthesized to terrorize believers and compromise the church.

And believers in Jesus know this—they hate you with an unimaginable hatred, because we have received by grace what they failed to take by force…the kingdom of God (Revelation 1:6.)

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood (progressives, atheists, LGBTQ, etc.); it’s with the invisible enemy who is pulling their strings.

Our solution is not moral, political, or societal reformation. It’s in spiritual transformation.

But this transformation won’t take place without a confrontation. It won’t take place without a fight.

So get prayed up, put your armor on, and be battle ready to fight for lost souls and rescue them from Satan’s grasp.

The conspiracy is real. The danger is real. The Devil is real.

But through Christ, our victory is sure!

Heed the words of the Apostle Paul who challenged us to face this conspiracy head on:

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” (Ephesians 6:12,13)

Greg’s words are in line with the premise behind my novel Lord Foulgrin’s Letters: given demons’ insights into reality and their plot to deceive and destroy us—this is one conspiracy theory that’s right on target—wouldn’t it be a major coup for us to place a wiretap in hell’s war room? What if we could plant a bugging device where we could overhear our enemies assessing our weaknesses and strategizing how next to attack us? The book contains letters written by a demon to his subordinate Squaltaint. Lord Foulgrin advises Squaltaint how to tempt and deceive Jordan Fletcher, the human “vermin” or “sludgebag” to whom he’s assigned.

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters isn’t necessarily dark, though it is very sobering at points. There’s satisfaction in knowing you’ve heard the opposing coach sketch out his plays for the second half and you know what to expect, how to fight back and win.

Here’s an excerpt from the book:

My impudent Squaltaint, You admit Fletcher’s been praying “deliver us from the evil one”? He’s even taped a card on his dashboard saying, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”? You complain this makes you jumpy. You whine that with everything going on in his life, sometimes you can hardly stand to hang around him.

Oh, you poor devil. You have my deepest sympathy.

Moron! Whatare you looking for, group therapy? Erebus has no counseling depart­ment. Get over it, fool.

Your reports are woefully incomplete, but it’s obvious the Enemy is accomplishing far too much in Fletcher. You gloat that although he was on his knees forty minutes, you managed to distract him most of the time from focusing on the Enemy. But you minimize the monumental—the man was on his knees forty minutes?

I fear no prayer spoken to some vague “higher power” who’s nothing more than an invention of their own minds. But since Fletcher’s view of the Enemy is being shaped by the forbidden Book, it makes his prayers dangerous. The threat of forbidden talk isn’t in what they’re saying as much as who they’re saying it to. This is why the posture of his prayer concerns me. If he’s on his knees or facedown on the floor, he may begin to believe in his own unimportance and the greatness of the One he prays to.

Make them think they’re “just” praying, as if it were not action of the most potent kind. Prayer isn’t simply preparation for battle, it is the battle. I fear nothing of prayerless studies, prayerless work, or prayerless parenting. I laugh at their most diligent efforts and most profound insights when disconnected from prayer. The forbidden talk is what infuses them with the Enemy’s presence and power. Minimize it at all costs.

You brag you’ve befuddled him in his daily Bible study. What will you boast of next— that you made him hungry while he’s fasting? The fact he’s having a daily Bible study shows your failure. Even if forbidden talk and Bible study seem fruitless for a while, if Fletcher keeps at it, the Enemy will suddenly set his study and prayers on fire. Before you know it, the sludgebag’s heart will burn with praise, adoration, and every foul thing you can imagine.

Convince Fletcher that today he doesn’t have time for the Book and the talk. Then do it again tomorrow and the next day and the next. He’ll never make a conscious decision to stop prayer and Bible study, but the bottom line will be the same.

Turn forbidden talk and Bible reading into an intention, something he’ll do when he has time. Then all you have to do is make sure he never has time. The intention to pray and read the Bible is no threat whatsoever to us. It’s the actual doing it that’s the danger. When it’s put on the calendar, when the alarm clock is set because of it, that’s when it’s time to panic.

After reading his Bible, praying, going to church, and sharing his faith, he always feels better, doesn’t he? Then why is it the things he feels best after doing are the things he most doesn’t want to do? This is a question for you, not him. The obvious answer is us. If he realized there’s a supernatural explanation for his reluctance to do what brings him joy, we’d lose our clandestine edge. He’s increasing in humility? Then make it a point of pride. If he becomes aware of his pride about being humble, then confesses it, make him proud he was humble enough to confess his pride at being humble.

You deliberately neglected to tell me they decided to forgo a new car to give to the needy. If the Enemy is getting hold of their money, it’s a sure sign He’s gotten hold of their hearts. The worst is, everything they give away increases their joy.

Conhock told me the vermin and his wife agreed to go on that summer missions trip. Do you see what’s happening? They’re relocating their treasure, and the Enemy’s relocating their hearts. You’re being beaten at every turn, Squaltaint. What more can go wrong?

If Fletcher sells the boat, next thing you know he may sell his second house and do Satan-knows-what with the money. If he becomes free from debt, he’ll be more free to serve the Enemy, more free to say yes to His promptings, to make a habit of these miserable missions trips, to pull up stakes and follow Him elsewhere, or serve Him where he is now with far less distraction.

What can I say to convince you of how disastrous this is?

You must persuade Fletcher that when the Enemy provides more money He’s expect­ing them to raise their standard of living, not their standard of giving. Remind him of a thousand practical reasons it’s nuts to give up a new car. Let him buy up shares of Microsoft or General Motors, but never the Enemy’s kingdom. Keep his vested interests on earth, not heaven.

As long as the check hasn’t been put in the plate, it’s not too late to persuade Fletcher and his wife to postpone their giving. Do it like you postpone prayer, Bible reading, baptism, evangelism, and everything else. There’s a word for postponed obedience: disobedience. That’s what we’re looking for.

You must take decisive action to bring him down before the Enemy’s hold on him tightens further. Work relentlessly to link him back to his secretary. It’s still not too late, I tell you! He must look at her, think about her, lust for her. Go after him—hunt him down as you would a wild animal. Lead him by his glands to the slaughter.

Where’s your vision, Squaltaint? A broken home, betrayed wife, violated children. We can breed from them another generation of heartbroken hardened little vermin with no concept of moral permanence. They’ll grow up suspicious and skeptical of marriage. If they enter it, divorce will be the back door to which they run. Wife and children will be embittered toward the Enemy because they’ve been betrayed by a man who professed to be His follower. It can still happen, I tell you, Squaltaint. Don’t give up!

Do not disappoint me! We must take him down; we must have him; we must consume him.

If you don’t pry Fletcher from the Enemy, I won’t be able to protect you from the consequences.

Empowered by my hatred,

Lord Foulgrin

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