
Babies September 6, 2007

One of the greatest joys in choosing to be open to life and to the will of God, and surrounding ourselves, by choice, with others who feel the same, is the plethora of babies and children who touch our lives.

We often get to hear about them when they are still in the planning stage, the hopeful ‘am I pregnant stage’, and the joyful point when they are still a secret to everyone but a select few. How wonderful it is to be loved and trusted enough to be let in on the secret; how difficult to not shout our joy to all the world!

Our lives right now seem to be filled with little-people on the way. No, not ours. We have a 4 month old and are in no hurry to expand our brood. I am talking about the lovely circle of family and friends we have gathered about us.

It is a testimony to the goodness of God that He continues to bless our lives with these smiling, drooling, laughing and often crying miracles of creation. How wonderful they are in all their imperfection and humanity and how amazing in their reflection of the love of God.

God bless the pregnant women and the men who love them. The mothers who are gloriously round and those with a secret still tucked safely and quietly beneath their hearts. We wait with eager anticipation to see what wonders your small ones will bring to this world.


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