On the first day of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas December 25, 2007

my loved ones gave to me time at Mass filled with joy, prayer and gratitude. As you can imagine, going to Mass with 5 children is not always the most peaceful even in their parents lives. Imagine my surprise and delight this morning when everyone was good in Mass.

The 3 year old came with us instead of into the nursery. She bowed and genuflected in all the right spots (she watched the rest of us to see how it was done). She was quiet and listened. And when we sang the carols she knew, she joined in loudly and happily.

I usually spend a majority of my time in Mass snapping my fingers at and correcting my 2 eldest boys. They try to be good, but little boy bodies are wiggly. Today, they were still. They prayed and sang, knelt and sat and stood in all the right moments.

My eldest sang a solo for the offertory hymn. Her sweet, pure voice wafted through the space. Then I turned to look at her siblings who watched her with swelling pride because she belonged to them.

It was all I wanted for Christmas.

My only questions are….what day did the aliens come and take over my darling children? and what took them so long?

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