Change is Good

Change is Good January 13, 2008

We all know, at least intellectually, that change can be a good thing. In the case of the baby’s diapers, change can be a very good thing. Unless you are my in-laws whose personal motto is “Commutationem Timemus”, also known as “We fear change.” My darling husband agreed with them until today. Today, I have him whistling a different tune.

He went to McDonald’s last week for a highly nutritious low-cal meal and got a buck somethin’ in change. When he looked at it, he saw that the printing was a little askew. So, at his brilliant wife’s suggestion, he listed it on ebay to see if anyone would like to own his imperfect dollar. Surprise! They would! As of this moment in time, the bid is at $31.00 with 10 hours left to go. Check it out for yourself. He’s already made the cost of lunch plus a bit. He’s converted I’m sure. No need to fear change (at least the monetary kind)…. embrace it, love it, sell it if it looks weird ….then go out to eat on the profit.

Forget the lotto, the McDonald’s drive-thru is my game of choice.

*Update: It sold for $52.15. Which just proves that people will buy anything.

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