
Housekeeping February 28, 2008

Alright, I’ll admit publicly what my friends and loved ones have known or suspected for years. I’m right up there in the top 10 Worst Housekeepers of all Time list. I don’t think in first or second, but probably in the middle. I didn’t even know that I was supposed to be cleaning my roof.

Y’all are probably all rolling your eyes at the fact that I didn’t know that, or it could be at my use of the word “y’all”. It is too a word! Look it up smartypants!

I hate it that when I make a new cleaning discovery I get excited and everyone else has known about it for years. I’m a woman who can actually go to sleep at night with dishes in the sink and sleep just fine. My mom is like that, too. We’re just a long line of women with better things to do.

Then I see an ad on my own blog! My own personal ignore the laundry and dishes corner of the world space. Roof cleaner! So I click on it and discover, to my horror that I’m supposed to be cleaning my roof every 24 months. That should be easy to remember. It’s roughly every time we have a baby I should be cleaning the roof. I could just add it to my list of insane nesting activities.

The ad says something like “Tired of those stains and streaks on your roof?” No! I never even noticed them, but now you have pointed them out and I will see them every time I pull into the driveway. Worse yet, my OCD husband will read this and decide that we need to clean the roof! We’ll have to do it every two years! See what they’ve done? They’ve robbed me of the last bit of house that I didn’t have to clean. The one bit that I didn’t have to be embarrassed by when my mother-in-law comes over.

Curse you Roof Cleaner Manufacturing People! May you have a streaky roof, dirty dishes and baby slime on your favorite shirt every time the doorbell rings.

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