
Ummmmm….OK February 21, 2008

The following story was written by my 8 year old. His assignment was to write a short story containing the words: Katie Thompson, Adam Wilson, wallet, five dollars, reward, and found. Here’s what he came up with:

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Katie Thompson. She went to see her friend Sadie. She found five dollars and then she hollered, “Dollar!”

So, when they went into the woods, Sadie kept singing, “Dollar, dollar.” They found a bunch of lunch. Then they saw a boy named Adam Wilson. When he whistled he heard a snap in the thistle.

“It is just a squirrel,” said Adam .

“I have a wallet,” said the squirrel.

Adam said, “Give it back.”

The squirrel said, “No.” So he smacked him. The squirrel said okay, so Adam gave him a reward, violets.

Katie gave the violets to the gift shop owner.

“Bluebirds!” said Sadie.

“Uh-oh,” said Adam, “rain on Saturday.”

The power went out that afternoon, they slept by the fire.


How do I grade that?

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