Lent…or lack thereof

Lent…or lack thereof March 20, 2008

Here we are, almost at the end of Lent. It has gone by so quickly, and yet it never really seemed to get going at all. I missed going to church on Ash Wednesday because of sick children. After developing a wheat allergy with the birth of #5 last year, there wasn’t much I could give up that seemed like a sacrifice. Giving up all things wheat is tough, chocolate is easy by comparison.

I gave up clutter. I took a bag of stuff either to the trash or to Goodwill every day that we were home. It never got hard to fill those bags. How is it a sacrifice if I can do it quickly and miss nothing? I thought it would start off easy and get progressively harder. Nope. I guess we just had that much stuff. I tried to challenge myself, but I feel as if the effort fell flat. It’s depressing. Lent is my favorite time of year because I like the challenge of it all. Without the challenge, it has just seemed to be more Ordinary Time.

I want a do-over. Does it work that way? Can I make a sacrifice for the 40 days after Easter? Somehow that seems wrong, too. The time after Easter is supposed to be spent in rejoicing over the Resurrection. It is a feast time. Would it be wrong for me to be penitential in a time of rejoicing?

I need to talk with my priest about these things and ask his opinion. He already laughs at me and thinks I’m a bit strange. This will just confirm it in his mind. I am the crazy Catholic revert that they warned him about in the seminary, I guess.

I feel cheated of my Lenten experience, does that lessen the joy of Easter? I certainly hope not. Next year, I’m giving up something hard like chocolate, long, hot baths, or new shoes. I don’t know though. It all seems a bit easy compared to His sacrifice. I’m not ready for self-flagellation just yet, but somewhere between that and chocolate would be just about right.

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