Finding Fabulous

Finding Fabulous April 18, 2011

Can I admit a little something here since it’s just us?  This whole move thing is beginning to freak me out.  We found a great house (3400 sq ft, 5 beds, 3 1/2 baths) in the area we want.  We have a move-in date, June 1.  I’m trying to be calm, but it’s a lie…..A BIG FAT STINKIN” LIE!

Here’s the thing….I just spent the last half hour on the phone with my friend, Peace.  We were talking about fun things like how purple streaks are sooooo last summer and we really think that that feathers (the bird kind not Farrah’s) might be fun this year.  That’s when it hit me….I don’t have a “getting a feather weave would rock” person in Dallas.  I think that kind of girl might be hard to find.  I mean, Peace and I are both moms of 7 and yet cool enough for funky jewelry and wild hair.   My friend S has no qualms about leaving husbands and/or teenagers in charge to sneak off for a Sunday afternoon pedicure.  My neighbor K throws the best parties I’ve been to since college……do you think friends like this are everywhere?  They’re not.  They took me years to find and cultivate into my go to girls.

I have emails from the homeschool group in our area of Texas.  They all seem so nice…..that can be a problem….nice.  I’m snarky, sarcastic, and have a bit of an off-color sense of humor.  I love a good dirty joke.  I really do.

We went to the Catholic Church near the new house, and there wasn’t a lot of  fabulous going on there. (I want to add glitter to that but can’t…will you just imagine it there?  Thanks.)  I’m afraid of arriving in a land of really nice but kinda boring women. After all, homeschooling moms aren’t exactly known for their wild side.

I don’t have years to wait for fabulosity to find its way to my doorstep, so I’m thinking I should just take out an ad to find the friends I want.   What do you think?  Do you think I can find a homeschooling mom with technicolor hair (or doesn’t mind it), a rollicking sense of humor, a wild side, kids the right sexes and ages, a willingness to be on the receiving end of my wild baking days and is cheap in all the right ways?  (Seriously, I have days of baking bread from sun up until I run out of flour…….banana almond, lemon blueberry, honey oatmeal…)

How do I write that up and not sound like a stalker/loon?  And should I do the feather weave before I move and just be upfront about who I am, or wait a bit and ease the neighborhood into it?

Anyone in Texas want to volunteer and save me the effort of looking?  There’s a loaf of amazing bread in it for you.

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