When Homeschoolers Throw a Party

When Homeschoolers Throw a Party April 16, 2011

Last night was prom night for the homeschoolers in Oklahoma City.  Our first baby got all dolled up in the dress she had so carefully chosen, met her closest friends for dinner, hopped into their limo, and then danced the night away.   It was like a typical prom anywhere in the country…..which seems to surprise a lot of people.

I don’t know who they’ve met, but these are the “nerdy” homeschoolers I know.  (#1 and her bff M)

Homeschooled students seem to have a reputation for awkwardness and being socially inept.  They’re the un-cool and naive….or so people seem to think.

When we tell people that our children learn at home, we often hear “But what about socialization?  They have to learn to get along with other people.”

They look as if they get along with others just fine to me.

It was like any other prom, the girls danced and the boys stood around the walls and watched.  Unlike the other kids, they finished out the evening with a little Thriller.   

(I have an amazing video of them dancing Thriller….but it won’t upload….stupid Blogger. Instead..here’s another shot of my gorgeous #1.  I can’t believe she’s this big already.)

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