3 1/2 Time Outs Tuesday #7

3 1/2 Time Outs Tuesday #7 March 13, 2012

Overheard from the living room: #4 (She’s 7) who recently got a cookie bouquet from her grandparents – “I don’t have to give you my cookies because you did something for me.  I don’t get more cookies because I did anything for them.  I get more cookies because the cookies belong to me.  What are you, a socialist?”


#1 started driver’s ed last night.  I’m so excited for her, but I’m pretty sure there’s been a mistake.  There is no way I’m old enough to have a child who can drive.


The steroid shot from a week ago seems to be maybe? working at last and easing the contraction of her knee.  For the first time in 6 weeks, she is able to fully straighten out her leg.  She wants to cram a month and a half’s worth of playing into one day because she’s afraid of waking up tomorrow to find it locked up again and having things she didn’t get to do.

3 1/2.

Are you doing the 3 1/2 thing yet?  If not you should.  Head on over to LarryD’s place and join the

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