Holiday Home Tour 2012

Holiday Home Tour 2012 December 12, 2012

When I was a girl, there was nothing I like half so much at this time of year as seeing how other families decorated for the Holidays.  My mother and I would go on multiple holiday home tours just for the fun of the lights, the decor, and the obligatory mug of hot chocolate.

Its funny, but while I loved taking those tours, I never understood why anyone would want their house to be a stop on one.  Then I grew up, and now I get it.  It’s a lot of work to “dress your house fair as you are able, trim the hearth and set the table.” It’s a bit of a shame to go to all that work and not get to show it off a bit.

Last night, as I was nursing a post-dental work sore mouth, I had a Eureka! moment….a virtual Holiday Home Tour.  I’ll show you mine and you show me yours. ( Trees and decorations people! Get your minds out of the gutter.  Honestly.  It’s Christmas.) Mine will never be in a magazine, but it’s pretty and I like it.

I’ll start us off. Here’s mine!

Here’s the linky to add yours. If you don’t have a blog, please email me your pics and I’ll add them to this post.  The obligatory hot chocolate? You’ll have to make your own.

Thanks for playing along, and Merry Christmas!

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