2013 Dump the Frump Challenge!

2013 Dump the Frump Challenge! January 8, 2013

When I announced on my Resolutions post that I was ditching the ponytail for a month and asked for volunteers to join me, my daughter shook her head. “You don’t give anyone any time to prepare.  You just jump in and expect the rest of the world to have ADD and join right in.  People need warning if you want them to follow along.”

Darn it.  I hate when the kid is smarter than I am.

Here’s the new plan:

I’ve fallen into a rut with how I look, and most days it isn’t that pretty.  I scrape my hair back into a messy ponytail or weird knobby bun to wash my face and brush my teeth.  I always intend to fix it later, but somehow I run into taking care of children long before I get to later.  I spend the whole day strategically looking at anything but mirrors as I walk through the house.

It’s not good for me, and it’s not good for my family.  I’m sick of being the bad cliche mom whose baby is impeccably dressed with her hair in ribbons and bows while I look scraggly and a bit like I might have been coughed up by the cat.

I’m declaring “Enough already!”  For 30 days, from Jan 15th-Feb 14th I’m going to fix my hair every day!  I’m dumping my easy go-to hair styles and doing something a bit more …. brushed.  No more frumpiness for me!  This will take planning, my Pinterest account, and posting pictures to keep me honest!  I wish I could do big things like make-up and perfume, but showering and hair are the mountain I’m climbing today!

Who’s with me?  Grab the button, and post it on your blog! Let’s make 2013 the year we stop looking homeless and start looking at least as well dressed as our worst dressed child!

You have 7 days to dust off the flat iron and rediscover your comb!

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