Flinging It Out the Window

Flinging It Out the Window March 27, 2013

2 hours – that’s how much of my day has been spent in trying to get the book layout to look right.  2 solid hours of googling, cursing the computer, googling again, saying some mean things about Bill Gates because this is his product that’s giving me fits, and blaming the computer that hates me – I know it does. Then I start googling again.

I’m tired of finding the same answer on every website and trying it again and again only to find that it still isn’t working for me! I hate the computer. I’m starting to be un-fond of the manuscript. I just want to snatch it from my work space, rip it from the power strip, and heave it – cords flailing behind it all – right out through the window.

The only thing stopping me is the knowledge that killing the computer and massacring the manuscript won’t fix my pagination problem. The dumb thing will still be numbered incorrectly.

I hate technology. Hate with a capital H.

So I sit here catching my breath and try a different search engine and get the same result. Drat! Why couldn’t the *%^#$@ people at Microsoft have given me the option to “Begin page numbering here”? That just seems like a logical option to me. Is that crazy? I don’t think numbering the pages should take the 11 steps it supposedly takes when the dumb thing works correctly.

2 hours of searching and still no solution.

Luckily, I’m married to the Computer Guy, so I emailed him. “How do I fix this dumb bunny thing? It’s giving me fits and is about to die a slow and painful computer death.”

He immediately responded “Did you Google it?”

He and the computer both have a death wish.

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