So…at least there’s an upside

So…at least there’s an upside July 28, 2013

I saw a breathing specialist last week about the asthma that no inhaler can tame. I’ve tried all kinds of medication, added in allergy pills, tried changing parts of my life….no dice. When I run or do a hard aerobic workout, I end up wheezing and gasping for breath.

It really stinks.

Which landed me at a specialist ladt week who ran all kinds of tests. The end result? I have a separation of my abdominal muscles which is making it hard to breathe. There’s a hole in my abs, y’all! It goes from just under my xyphoid process (that’s the bottom middle of my rib cage…I just like to use the big words) and ends below my belly button. It’s ginormous!

Yes, I know what you’re thinking and you’re right. It’s because of pregnancy. Although it can and often does happen after just one baby, I’ve had a few more than that which has made it worse. Eventually I’m going to need surgery to repair it because breathing is hard and I refuse to stop exercising.

It won’t be real soon for a few reasons – like I won’t be able to lift anything over 20 pounds while I recover. The baby is 23 pounds and not yet two. I’m waiting.

But when I do get it….it’s a tummy tuck. That’s really what it will be. A tummy tuck! After all these babies and the flabby saggy post-baby skin, I’ve stumbled upon the only way the insurance company will cover it. It’s medically necessary!


I’m a little excited. A tad.

While surgery is never something to look forward too, one that ends with both a healthier me and a flat belly? That’s the definition of an upside. I’m certain of it.

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