4 Parenting Hacks That Make It Just A Little Easier

4 Parenting Hacks That Make It Just A Little Easier March 18, 2015

When you find something that works, you should pass it along. Parenting is tough work without having to constantly reinvent the wheel.

1) Use scotch tape for cutting a toddler’s bangs.

Cutting little kid hair is hard because they wiggle and squirm, and mine HATE the little pieces of hair falling on their faces which is why..

this totally works!

She can move and chatter as much as she wants and the straight line stays straight. Just cut along the top edge of tapeline, and the tape will hold most of the little cut ends so they don’t end up everywhere.


2) Don’t get rid of your crib mattresses.

Even though we haven’t had anyone sleeping in a crib in over a year (our baby is three,) we still have two crib mattresses stashed under our bed. We use them for when our nieces/nephews or the kids’ friends sleep over, or as the most convenient sick beds EVER! Feverish or achy kids get a spot on our floor (not in our bed) and little pukers get a cozy spot in an easy access, easy to clean-up spot.


2 trashcans, tub, sink, shower, toilet all within easy reach, and a tile floor in case he misses.


3)Have bedtime music.

Starting when our kids were really little, I played the same tape/CD/MP3 quietly at nap/bedtime. I’m mean and don’t let them listen to it any other time, because I know it will lose its Mojo. The sound of that music makes them instantly drowsy and start yawning, which is great for reluctant nappers or on road trips. They’re trained to drop off once it begins. (Unfortunately they outgrow it by the time they’re teenagers, although it still will make them yawn.) Sleeping children make for fewer potty stops, and a more peaceful ride.


4) Take pictures for Grandma.

You should take cute pics for Grandma and send them to her all the time, because she loves the kids, but that’s not what I’m talking about. When my children go for a visit with her, or with other friends or family, I grab a quit shot of everything they’re taking with them. I’ve learned to not rely on anyone else’s ability to recall every stinking piece of the Doc McStuffin doctor kit that went to their house, but I know the tears that will flow if any of them get left. That’s why I give them a cheat sheet by taking a picture and texting to them. It’s a visual checklist to make sure that all those beloved things find their way back home.



What about you? What parenting hacks are making your life easier?


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