Jeremy’s Family – Moving the Mountain Out of Their Way

Jeremy’s Family – Moving the Mountain Out of Their Way January 28, 2016

Imagine that there is a child you love. A child born not from your body, but in your heart. A boy you have loved and raised since he was 6 months old, and now he’s 5 years old.

Then imagine that as much as he is your child in fact, he is not in law….and you can’t afford to do anything to change that.

That’s the situation of one of the moms I know from WCMX. (Wheelchair Motocross.) We huddle together on a chilly Tuesday and watch her Jeremy and my Ella come screaming down the ramps. We laugh at their bravado, and are the proudest of Mamas.

But she’s not legally his mother…yet.

Jeremy was placed by CPS with his aunt Theresa when his birth mother (her cousin) proved unable to care for him. In addition to her own struggles, he was born missing the lower part of his spinal cord, Caudal Regression Syndrome. He’s such a happy kid, and the love he has received from his Mom shows in everything he does.


Adoption costs for Jeremy are estimated to run around $10,000, but she needs at least $2,500 to hire the attorney. It seems absurd to me that it could cost so much for a parent who is willing to adopt a special needs child, who is her blood relative, out of foster care. We should not be putting such mountains in her way.


That’s why I’m asking you for help. Please help me move this mountain for her. Let’s help make his family a permanent one. It doesn’t have to be a lot from any one person, but $5 each from a lot of people would make his adoption possible.

So please donate if you can, and if you’re in Texas, please call your State Representative and let them know that you shouldn’t have to go broke to give a kid a home. We shouldn’t have to move this mountain out of their path towards being a forever family.

Thank you

Click here to donate to Jeremy’s Adoption Fund. Whether or not you are able to financially contribute, we ask that you hold this family close in prayer. Thanks

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All photos courtesy of Jeremy's Journey and used with permission

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