Jesus was Jewish. It is a subject neither Christianity nor Judaism like to talk about. However, the facts remain that, both in his genetics and his teachings Jesus was Jewish.
Genetically Jesus was Jewish
In His Teachings Jesus was Jewish
No Teaching Gentiles
No Abolishing the Law
Jesus Was Jewish ONLY
Jesus said of himself that he was sent only to the the Jews. “He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” These words from Jesus’ own mouth about his purpose and calling are so often ignored by the Christian church, who wishes to believe that his death was to save the gentiles. They take comfort in the death of the man who had thoughout his life proclaimed he was not here for them. They claim through his blood adoption into the house of Israel, despite the fact that the living Jesus had denied it to them many times. In doing so, they made a golden calf of a great Jewish teacher.