This Passover Don’t Wait for the Bread to Rise

This Passover Don’t Wait for the Bread to Rise April 4, 2023
This Passover Don't Wait for the Bread to RiseArtist:Unlimited Style:Auto(Oil Painting) Create at:2023-04-04 21:38:46 Creator: Rebecca Wallace Kee
This Passover Don’t Wait for the Bread to Rise

This Passover, don’t wait for the bread to rise! When G-d freed the Israelites from Egypt there was no time to wait for the bread to rise. They followed G-d’s instructions and left slavery in Egypt with only what they had prepared. They ate unleavened bread in the desert. Exodus 12:39 tells us: “With the dough the Israelites had brought from Egypt, they baked loaves of unleavened bread. The dough was without yeast because they had been driven out of Egypt and did not have time to prepare food for themselves.” Therefore, we don’t eat leavened bread at Passover. This story reminds us that G-d’s miracles come in his time not in ours.  This Passover, don’t wait for the bread to rise.

Don’t Wait for the Bread to Rise

When G-d makes a way for us we have to go immediately. We have not time to wait for the proverbial bread to rise. So often, when opportunity presents itself we say “After I finish this… “ However, if the Israelites had told G-d to wait for the bread to rise, we might still be slaves in Egypt.

 This Passover Remember Freedom is a Consequence of Obedience

Instead, they took what they did have and they followed G-d with faith that this was their salvation and their lives would be better for leaving immeaditly.  This unwavering faith brought them safely out of slavery and into the land of milk and honey. Freedom comes when we heed the voice of the creator and act immediately without question. Freedom and deliverance are the consequences of obedience. Only through unquestioning obedience to G-d are we able to break free of our shackles and move into the promised land. Numbers 20:10-11 reminds us that Moses could not enter the promised land because he disobeyed the creator:  “the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you did not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them’”

Procrastination is a Thief

Procrastination is the thief of life. There will always be something that needs to be done. The bread will always need to rise. If we wait for the perfect time, we will never move forward. The perfect time is always now! We must learn to appreciate the urgency of now,  take action even when it seems we are not prepared, and have faith that, even though the bread did not have time to rise, we will still eat. The manna will come just as it came to the Israelites in the desert. Exodus 16:4 assures us: “Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you.”  G-d has a plan that is bigger than anything we can imagine and by following him we shall leave the life of slavery and walk into the promised land victorious.

Conclusion: This Passover Don’t Wait for the Bread to Rise

So, this Passover don’t just give up the leavened bread. Really think about what it means to give up the leavened bread. Take action on the things G-d has called you to do. Stop procrastinating and making excuses. Follow G-d out of Egypt and into the promised land. Whatever you do, this Passover don’t wait for the bread to rise!
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About Rebecca Keene
The author, Rebecca Keene, has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Religion. She graduated from the University of Pikeville as Religion Honor Student in 2014.  Rebecca is the author of FAITH UNDER THE RAINBOW: RECLAIMING THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE. She also founded and independently runs the social media community, Reclaiming the Truth. You can visit Rebecca's author page and purchase her books at:Amazon Author Page or: Publication Page Rebecca is currently in her 3rd year of Kabbalah study. She is ordained to preform LGBT weddings and is certified in Hypnotherapy. Rebecca lives in Kentucky with her two adult children. She practices Non-Denominational Judaism. She is passionate about social justice and is a fierce advocate for the marginalized in society and religion.  When she is not with her children or writing, Rebecca enjoys spending time in nature, with G-d, or in a good book.  She also enjoys making and selling art which you can find at: Art by Rebecca Author, Rebecca Keene,  is always happy to hear from readers. You may contact her through the Reclaiming the Truth page on Facebook or you can email [email protected] Rebecca will try to answer all correspondence, but please be patient as life is busy for us all. You can read more about the author here.

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