Holocaust and Genocide: Never Again Is Now

Holocaust and Genocide: Never Again Is Now October 11, 2023

Holocaust and Genocide: Never Again Is Now created by Rebecca Keene with Bing Image Creator
Holocaust and Genocide: Never Again Is Now

The horrors that are happening to Israeli citizens have brought out the antisemites worldwide. I personally have been threatened with rape on my own Facebook page, forced to listen to anti-Israel jargon in my classroom, and received many rude and threatening messages. Meanwhile, BLM has come out in support of Hamas and there have been many Pro Palestine rallies. At one of those rallies calls of “Gas the Jews” rang out. Jews are not safe anywhere we go right now. Holocaust and genocide have returned to the Jewish nation. Never again is now!

Terrorist Not Freedom Fighters

Regardless, of what one thinks about the history of the Israeli area, nothing justifies supporting Hamas and the people of Gaza at this time. Nothing. While the history of the region is ugly and filled with bloodshed and horror, Israel has never been guilty of decapitating children and babies. Israel has never been guilty of raping 95-year-old Gazan women. Hamas’ tactics are inhumane and constitute war crimes. Hamas is practicing Holocaust and genocide,  Never Again Is Now

This is not a group of freedom fighters. Hamas are terrorists. If any other nation on Earth had its youngest citizens stolen and decapitated, the world would go to war to defend that country. Only when the terrorists come to Israel does the world say, “Well, the terrorists have rights to freedom too.” No. Hamas is not the Gazan people, most of whom just want to live in peace. Hamas is a terrorist group whose actions will get more Gazans murdered. Hamas is neither pro-Israel nor pro-Gazan. They are pro-war, pro-violence, and pro-death. They do not care how many die on either side. Hamas is using Gazan women and children as human shields. They have decapitated Jewish children and raped Jewish women. 40 toddlers and infants have been decapitated already and that number is bound to rise. These are not the actions of freedom fighters, but of terrorists.


This murdering of children is genocide. Genocide is forbidden under international law, largely because of the attempted genocide of the Jewish people. Yet, it is happening again. The world says they stand with Israel and the Jewish people during times of peace. Christians everywhere say “Never again, ” on Holocaust Remembrance Day, but when never again is now and our people are again facing genocide that same world turns its back.  Not only does it turn its back, it tries to paint us as the villain. It is now that we learn who our true allies are. Those who do good mouth service on Holocaust Remembrance Day and wear their Israeli flag pinned proudly to their shirt every Sunday are of no use to us if when the terrorists come to Israel they do not stand firmly against them without wavering.

Holocaust and Genocide: Never Again Is Now

In conclusion, I had a very difficult time writing this today. The hearts of our people are hurting. My heart is hurting. 40 decapitated children are not something that I can understand anyone supporting. What kind of monster do you have to be to say you support this horror? The very thought that such people exist in our world is maddening. The fact that I know some of them is beyond my ability to cope with. If you are Jewish I urge you to remember that Judaism is a family. We hurt and bleed as one. Do not turn your back on your family at this time.

Even if you feel Palestine should be a free state or have the land, I urge you to be kind and thoughtful of what you say and do concerning Israel and her people during this war. Our people do not deserve this. Mothers have lost their babies. Elderly women have been raped and beaten, and our children have been murdered. Though it is a hard truth for the world to swallow, Holocaust and genocide have returned to the Jewish nation. Never again is now!

About Rebecca Keene
The author, Rebecca Keene, has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Religion. She graduated from the University of Pikeville as Religion Honor Student in 2014. Currently, she is studying for a MA in Women, Gender, Spirituality, and Social Justice at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Also, Rebecca is the author of FAITH UNDER THE RAINBOW: RECLAIMING THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE BIBLE.  In addition, she founded and independently runs the social media community, Reclaiming the Truth.  Therefore, you should visit Rebecca's author page and purchase her books at: Amazon Author Page or: Publication Page Rebecca is currently in her 3rd year of Kabbalah study. She is ordained to perform LGBT weddings and is certified in Hypnotherapy. Rebecca lives in Kentucky with her two adult children. She practices Non-Denominational Judaism. She is passionate about social justice and fiercely advocates for the marginalized in society and religion.  When not with her children or writing, Rebecca enjoys spending time in nature, with G-d, or in a good book.  She also enjoys making and selling art which you can find at Art by Rebecca. Author, Rebecca Keene,  is always happy to hear from readers. You may contact her through the Reclaiming the Truth page on Facebook, or you can email keenerebecca@yahoo.com Rebecca will try to answer all correspondence, but please be patient, as life is busy for us all. You can read more about the author here.

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