And the Award for Best Award Show Goes To….

And the Award for Best Award Show Goes To…. October 17, 2008

Perhaps I’m just bitter because I’ve never stood onstage holding an award for some contribution to the betterment of society but haven’t award shows gotten out of hand? Don’t get me wrong – I’m not one to poo-poo the idea of being recognized by your peers. They certainly recognize you when you do wrong, so it’s nice to be applauded for things you get right. If I ever did anything right, I’d know how they feel and then I can stand up and thank all the little people, giving that acceptance

Now, they’re going to have a prime-time special to announce the Grammy Awards, which will in turn have their own prime-time special, of course. This is in light that less and less people are watching the Grammys to begin with and in addition to the hours and hours of red carpet coverage and after-show interviews. Can a special on the workers putting the red carpet down be too far behind?

I can understand the idea of wanting to capitalize on the Grammy brand and hopefully boost ratings, but I might have suggested a “Grammy Salute to….” some particular genre or artist or even the red carpet interviewers. Let the cycle replentish itself.

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