Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington Go West in ‘Horizon’

Sienna Miller, Sam Worthington Go West in ‘Horizon’ June 26, 2024

In the new Kevin Costner epic western “Horizon: An American Saga Chapter One,” settlers in the late 1800’s travel westward to find new homes and opportunities. Through the treacherous journey, they also face grief and despair along with community and connection. Two characters, Frances Kittredge (Sienna Miller) and First Lt. Trent Gephardt (Sam Worthington) try to move forward after experiencing an immeasurable loss.

Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington star in ‘Horizon: An American Saga Chapter One.’ Image courtesy of Warner Brothers Pictures.

In a recent interview with Reel Faith, Miller and Worthington talk about the making of “Horizon” and what they feel is the motivation behind their characters, Frances and Trent.


Because Horizon is being told over four movies, you have this long to build this journey for these two. In a normal movie, it would be sped up. But now we’re just starting to see the closeness of these two. When you read the script, was there any trepidation in signing up for something that you didn’t know how long of a commitment there would be?

Sienna Miller: Well, initially, it was going to be shot back-to-back and then the strike happened, and then all sorts of other interferences. So, it’s gone on longer than it was originally scheduled to do. But I think if Kevin Costner calls you to be in a western you do it, you know, he’s a master of that genre. I am a child of the 90s. So just even being in his orbit is still completely exciting. And, and to see a landscape that’s so far and totally unfamiliar to me to be in this on these sets with these costumes and other actors work with the amazing Sam Worthington. Every ingredient was there.


Sam, I wanted to ask you, and portraying somebody who is law and order, at a time when there is really very limited law and order—what do you feel about your character? What did you take away from him when you read him? And when you stepped into his shoes? What drives him?

Sam Worthington: I think all the characters are searching for something, His role is authority. But I don’t think they had any idea what those what was happening (in the new frontier). I think that’s the great part of the character is that he doesn’t really understand this frontier war, he would much prefer to be back fighting in the Civil War, of all things. So, he looks to the settlers and finds a kinship with these characters that might give them some ease and some peace.


Sienna, your story, which propels the movie in the very beginning really provides the gravity for it. What did you think when you read and stepped into her shoes?

Sienna Miller: Well, I remember that the hook for me was that scene in the tunnel with my daughter, and the resourcefulness of how she keeps them both alive. And I found that so moving. When I read it, I was like, I just have to do that scene. You know, she’s really formidable and courageous. And yeah, it was. It was a pleasure.


Where does she get hope from after suffering a trauma like that? She is resilient. Do you think it’s because of her daughter? Is she pressing on for her sake?

Sienna Miller:  Yeah, I think she has something to live for. Of course, that makes sense as being a mother myself. I think without her daughter, she probably would have given up. But she’s made this journey across America, she’s stuck. She has to make the best of it. I think everybody in that time, there was very little time for reflection and looking back, and what if.  So, I admired that in her.

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What do you think audiences take from this movie? It’s very entertaining. It’s beautifully shot. I mean it’s like postcards, so many of the scenes, but what will they take away other than just being entertained? Are there lessons? Maybe understanding each other?

Sam Worthington: Yeah, I think Costner, what he’s trying to do is not set out and make a traditional western in the sense of gunfights and black hat, white hat, but one that has nuance of behavior of who we are. I think he’s examining this formation of America, through this story, where people are struggling, and at the end of the day, hoping that things work out. I think that’s something that we can question all the time, but living in America is a struggle with where we are heading towards and hopefully we’re heading in the right direction.


Well, with both of you not being not having this Americana background, was it fun to step into that?

Sienna Miller: For me, just dissecting how this country became what it became in such a short span of time and what were the origins of that? The American we know today? That’s fascinating. It’s something I hadn’t thought enough about. And yeah, I grew up watching westerns. For me, that was a Hollywood movie. So, to be on those sets and playing that character was really a dream realized.


“Horizon: An American Saga Chapter One,” written and directed by and starring Kevin Costner and starring Costner, Miller, Worthington, Abbey Lee, Luke Wilson, Will Patton, Ella Hunt, Isabelle Furhman, Jena Malone, and Michael Rooker, releases June 28 and from New Line Cinema and Territory Pictures.

Watch the interview with DeWayne Hamby, Sienna Miller, and Sam Worthington below.

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