Beasts of the Southern Wild – Celebration of Life in a Broken World

Beasts of the Southern Wild – Celebration of Life in a Broken World March 5, 2013

Denis Haack offers his reflection on the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild at his blog, A Glass Darkly.

“Beasts of the Southern Wild unfolds a story, but is best viewed as a series of impressionistic encounters rather than a simple story line…

Watch Beasts of the Southern Wild by receiving the flow of impressions that make up this movie….

Even at its most surrealistic, this is a profoundly human story, revealed on the screen with such visual power that its images will forever shape our imaginations. Watch and discuss it with friends: you won’t know where the conversation is headed, but chances are it’ll be somewhere meaningful.”

Read more.

The main character, the five-year old Hushpuppy, is played by Quvenzhané Wallis in an Acadamy Award – nominated performance (at 9 years of age this year, she is the youngest ever to be nominated in the Best Actress category).

Listen to what she says in this trailer. I hear that and I think, “Yes. I feel that. In my bones. Broken, yes. But humanity is still glorious.”

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