Carnivorous Snow Reaches Indianapolis

Carnivorous Snow Reaches Indianapolis December 26, 2012

While I have been blogging about the Doctor Who Christmas special, “The Snowmen,” Indianapolis and central Indiana have been blanketed in a blizzard dumping a foot of snow on the city, and it is still falling, with strong winds.

I am very disappointed that some employers have not shown the sort of concern for their employees I would have hoped for. Those that waited until too late to decide to close today put their employees at risk, making them come in to work only to send them home in perilous conditions in the midst of the worst of the weather on streets that had not been cleared and were extremely treacherous.

It isn't snow that offers fictional sci-fi danger, but that very real and very beautiful but at the same time potentially very dangerous white stuff.

If you are somewhere in the midst of this snowpocalypse, I hope you stay safe and warm.


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