J J Abrams Working on Revised Editions of Star Wars Prequels!

J J Abrams Working on Revised Editions of Star Wars Prequels! April 1, 2016

Star Wars fans will probably already have heard the news that J. J. Abrams has been authorized by Disney to make revisions to the classic Star Wars films, beginning with the prequels, which have been a subject of controversy ever since their release. Among the changes that are planned, the most important is of course the replacement of Jar Jar Binks’ character in the prequels with BB-8.

There will also be J. J. Abrams special editions of the original trilogy as well, as is necessary to get the whole franchise to work together perfectly with his newer contributions to the franchise.

Abrams is famous for releasing teasers, and so has issued a short clip which he insists is just a mock-up of what one famous scene from Episode IV would look like in the special edition he envisages:

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