Doubtful Call for Submissions

Doubtful Call for Submissions March 3, 2019
Sonora Review has a call for submissions that might be of interest to some authors of fiction that I know, given its theme, which is doubt. Visit their webpage for more details.
I have been writing more fiction recently, and I’ve found it a great experience. But the path to publication is very different than when it comes to the writing of things like academic articles or books. There are things I’m still trying to figure out. For instance, at the moment I’m looking for a place to submit a short story that is just over 10,000 words, and so it won’t fit this particular call for submissions. Having tended to write things that were on the very short side when I started writing fiction, I’m surprised that my latest ones are ending up longer than the typical short story – and above the word limit for most magazines that might potentially publish them. Any recommendations for good places to submit longer fiction in that range? Or do I just need to develop them further into novellas, at which point the options available start to increase again?
The story I finished writing most recently (and am seeking feedback on from a couple of readers before submitting, assuming I can find a place for it) was prompted by a comment on my blog. I then shared the idea in a blog post to get feedback on it. And so those who read my blog may already know the theme, even without clicking the link.
I also have an idea for a graphic novel, as of the day before yesterday, that I will be looking to talk to some people about pursuing that idea in the not too distant future – if I get some initial feedback that it does indeed seem worth developing further, unlike 99% of the ideas that pop into my head. It was prompted by a meeting with colleagues at Butler University. My colleagues regularly inspire me, in all kinds of ways, to do all kinds of creative things – but not typically create a comic book or graphic novel, and so while the experience of feeling inspired by colleagues is par for the course at Butler University, this is still a first as far as genre is concerned!

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