I use Feedly as a way of managing my reading of blogs and other sources of news. You have probably seen the effect of this. Especially if you’re following me on Twitter or have liked my Facebook page, you’ll know that in addition to my subscriptions providing me with lots and lots of links that can go into blog posts, I share other things I think are interesting all throughout the day, every day. Subscribing to blogs is crucial to not only my social media activity, but my research. There have been countless times when an article or blog post relevant to my research and/or teaching has come to my attention that way.
I reached the maximum number of feeds I could have in Feedly some time ago, and it kept me from adding more for quite some time. Today I decided to look into ways of cleaning out the many defunct feeds, since going one by one through the feeds that I don’t recall having seen anything from for a long time was taking too long. But something had to be done, since I had a great many subscriptions to blogs that haven’t seen any activity in years.
And so I discovered that there is a way to delete all feeds that are non-functional, and also to delete all feeds that have had no posts in the past three months. I decided to do both, given how many hundreds there were in the latter category, as well as an almost comparable number in the former.
The good news is that if you’re a new blogger, I can now start following your blog. Please let me know what your blog’s address is if you are in that category.
But new blogs tend to come to my attention. What I’m really worried about is that some of my fellow academics as well as other interesting bloggers may blog infrequently, or have lapsed, but eventually will return to it and I will miss it.
And so I am appealing to anyone who has a blog but hasn’t blogged in the past three months. If there is even a slight chance you’ll blog again, let me know and I will re-add your blog’s feed to my subscriptions. I don’t want to miss it!
To all who take the time to share their thoughts on social media, and to all who follow this blog, thank you so much!