June 22, 2009

Someone on Yahoo! Answers asked the following questions: 1. Why do you believe in God?2. What’s the difference between Naive’ and Blind trust and Faith?3. Is it possible that religion is just a way for people to deal with lifeand non of it’s really even true?4. Is there really any such thing as pure and whole truth? I decided they seemed like interesting and sincere questions, so I answered them. Here’s what I wrote back in 2007: 1. I believe... Read more

June 21, 2009

The next several posts (the titles of which will be prefaced with “From The Archives”) will be posts made quite some time ago on this blog. I know there are a lot of new readers since this blog first started, and even since it moved to Blogger a couple of years ago. And so I hope that much of this will be new and interesting rather than old hat for many of you. Read more

June 20, 2009

Science Fiction and Philosophy: From Time Travel to Superintelligence, edited by Susan Schneider (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), is a fantastic book that does not simply relate science fiction and philosophy to one another, but in fact shows that the two are significantly overlapping domains. Philosophy thrives on thought experiments, and has done since antiquity, as the excerpt from Plato’s Republic demonstrates. When modern philosophers have written thought experiments, they have often taken the form of what are in essence science fiction... Read more

June 19, 2009

Mike Whitenton has received a copy of The Only True God and promises a review will follow soon. Another blogger also offers some thoughts and impressions. On related notes, Chris Brady posted on the question of a Targumic background to John’s Logos concept, while Joseph Hoffmann has a post on the Godhead brought to you by the number 3, and Michael Bird touched on the Nicene Creed. Read more

June 19, 2009

I received an e-mail this past week about another subject, this time the reference in John 20:6-7 mentioning the cloth that had been on Jesus’ face. I suspect that one reason (perhaps the main or only reason) for the Gospel mentioning the detail is because it could be argued that, if someone had moved the body, they would either have left the cloth on Jesus’ face or, if it had fallen off, would not have bothered to pick it up,... Read more

June 18, 2009

I had someone e-mail me recently with a question about whether Romans 14, with its teaching about the “strong” and the “weak”, provides good guidance for Christian who have come to realize that there are good reasons to accept biological evolution, and are now wondering whether to keep this to themselves or speak out about it in their churches. I thought I’d share what I wrote in reply, since it might be relevant to others. I suppose the place to... Read more

June 18, 2009

For some reason yesterday I found myself imagining fundamentalists overseeing the final judgment, giving a “final exam” to make sure that only the truly saved get into heaven. It would have two questions: 1) Give your testimony of how you asked Jesus into your heart to become your personal Lord and Savior. 2) Construct a story that incorporates all the elements from (a) Matthew 28:10,16-20 and Luke 24:36-53 OR (b) Matthew 2:1-23 and Luke 2:1-40, leaving nothing out and containing... Read more

June 17, 2009

Jared Calaway has inflicted/blessed me with a meme that has been making the rounds in recent days. It was started by Ken Brown, and I thought I’d share what he wrote when he did so (since it includes both the rationale and the rules): As I’ve been preparing to apply for PhD programs, I’ve been thinking about those books and scholars who have most influenced the way I read scripture, and I’m curious which books have done the same for... Read more

June 16, 2009

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June 16, 2009

It seems unlikely that at any point in the past the vast majority of inhabitants of the United States were devout Christians with a personal faith, as opposed to nominal Christians for whom their Christianity consisted largely of a “tribal identity” including churchgoing and assenting to some doctrinal beliefs and moral precepts. Does it not seem ironic, then, that the notion of American having once been a “Christian nation”, and nostalgia for that bygone golden age, is found largely among... Read more

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