September 12, 2021

Today’s 2nd reading for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time is from James 2:14-18: What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well, ” but you do not give them the necessities of the... Read more

June 8, 2021

My friend, Rusty Reno, published a piece yesterday in The Wall Street Journal that is worth your time, if you are interested in higher education and present trends in the academy.  Entitled “Why I Stopped Hiring Ivy League Graduates,” it begins: I’m not inclined to hire a graduate from one of America’s elite universities. That marks a change. A decade ago I relished the opportunity to employ talented graduates of Princeton, Yale, Harvard and the rest. Today? Not so much. As... Read more

June 4, 2021

The academic journal, Religions, is publishing a special issue on the topic of  “God, Ethics, and Christian Traditions.”  My contribution to that issue–“Catholicism and the Natural Law: A Response to Four Misunderstandings“–is now accessible online. Just click here.  Other contributors to the issue include Daniel Bonevac (University of Texas), Janine Idziak (Loras College), Blake McAllister (Hillsdale College), and my colleague, C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University).  Here’s the abstract for my article:  This article responds to four criticisms of the Catholic view... Read more

June 3, 2021

I just published an essay over at Law & Liberty on the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court case Lemon v. Kurtzman 403 U.S. 602 (1971). It is the case in which the Court gave us The Lemon Test. Unimaginatively titled, “Lemon v. Kurtzman at 50,” here’s how the essay begins: 2021 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Supreme Court case, Lemon v. Kurtzman. Its majority opinion, authored by Chief Justice Warren Burger, is well-known for giving us what would come... Read more

May 20, 2021

On May 24, 2021, Bob Dylan turns 80. In honor of this occasion, I have put together a list of what I believe are the 80 greatest songs that Dylan has composed and performed over his nearly 60-year career. (To see what I mean by “composed and performed,” go here).  Starting on May 8, 2021, I began an eight-part series of posts on these 80 songs. We have already gone through songs (1) 80 through 71, (2) 70 through 61, (3) 60 through 51,... Read more

May 19, 2021

On May 24, 2021, Bob Dylan turns 80. In honor of this occasion, I have put together a list of what I believe are the 80 greatest songs that Dylan has composed and performed over his nearly 60-year career. (To see what I mean by “composed and performed,” go here).  Starting on May 8, 2021, I began an eight-part series of posts on these 80 songs. We have already gone through songs (1) 80 through 71, (2) 70 through 61, (3) 60 through 51,... Read more

May 18, 2021

On May 24, 2021, Bob Dylan turns 80. In honor of this occasion, I have put together a list of what I believe are the 80 greatest songs that Dylan has composed and performed over his nearly 60-year career. (To see what I mean by “composed and performed,” go here).  Starting on May 8, 2021, I began an eight-part series of posts on these 80 songs. We have already gone through songs (1) 80 through 71, (2) 70 through 61, (3) 60 through 51,... Read more

May 16, 2021

On May 24, 2021, Bob Dylan turns 80. In honor of this occasion, I have put together a list of what I believe are the 80 greatest songs that Dylan has composed and performed over his nearly 60-year career. (To see what I mean by “composed and performed,” go here).  Starting on May 8, 2021, I began an eight-part series of posts on these 80 songs. We have already gone through songs (1) 80 through 71, (2) 70 through 61, (3) 60 through 51,... Read more

May 14, 2021

On May 24, 2021, Bob Dylan turns 80. In honor of this occasion, I have put together a list of what I believe are the 80 greatest songs that Dylan has composed and performed over his nearly 60-year career. (To see what I mean by “composed and performed,” go here).  Starting on May 8, 2021, I began an eight-part series of posts on these 80 songs. We have already gone through songs 80 through 71, 70 through 61, and 60 through... Read more

May 12, 2021

On May 24, 2021, Bob Dylan turns 80. In honor of this occasion, I have put together a list of what I believe are the 80 greatest songs that Dylan has composed and performed over his nearly 60-year career. (To see what I mean by “composed and performed,” go here).  Starting on May 8, 2021, I began an eight-part series of posts on these 80 songs. We have already gone through songs 80 through 71 and 70 through 61.  Today... Read more

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