What Are You Devoted To?

What Are You Devoted To? September 15, 2014

In past generations, the word devotion was most commonly associated with your religious practice, how devoted you were to God. In current times, the meaning of devotion is often applied to various life practices.

When examining beliefs and goals, I much prefer to ask myself, “What I am devoted to?”, rather than, “What am I committed to?” When we make commitments, they generally are created through our mind or intellect. We declare that we’re going to do or accomplish something by a certain date. Sometimes these commitments are kept while often they are not. Throughout time, the more that our commitments fall by the wayside, the less credible we feel which gradually diminishes our self-esteem or our belief that we have the power to keep our word.

2014-09_Father & Daughter Birth
( c ) Carl Studna

Devotion, on the other hand, is a verb, always in motion. It is the platform that births all that we create, the seed that brings into form our strongest thoughts and feelings. Imagine releasing all self-judgment and simply observing how your life is unfolding right now. Do your friends and colleagues share your same values and support you fully? Are you working at a job or craft that truly inspires you to show up fully each day and give your best? Does this job fully compensate you financially to consistently meet all of your needs with ease? Is your home environment a place that nurtures you? Do you feel fulfilled with how you’re contributing to the betterment of your community and the world at large?

If you answered no to any of the above, it would be beneficial to examine what you are truly devoted to. For many years, I lived a life that embodied all of the above mentioned scenarios except for one. I was constantly living on the edge financially which caused great ups and downs within my emotional well-being (not to mention how it rubbed off on my wife’s sense of peace and stability at home). I found myself becoming more and more frustrated as my various commitments to financial freedom continually fell short. Gradually, I realized through steadfast and rigorous inquiry that some of my underlying thoughts, feelings and ancient beliefs were devoted to struggle.

On a conscious level, I certainly did not want to struggle in my life, but the fact remained, this is where my devotion was being placed. These were the seeds I was sowing, largely due to familiar patterns influenced through my ancestral lineage compounded by the ever prevailing lure via the mass consciousness throughout the world around me. When I was truly willing to examine where my devotion was being placed in this arena, free of judgment, a door gradually opened that allowed me to begin placing my devoted attention on living a life truly based in freedom, love, prosperity and complete support.

How willing are you to fully examine (while releasing self-judgment) where your devotion lies? Through this deep and constant inquiry, you will continually become freer to make supportive choices. Trust in this process and witness your life transform into the complete manifestation of your devoted dreams!

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