Waking up to death threats, violent remarks, cyber bullying, and hate mail has been a disheartening experience this past week. Especially the negativity/hate from the supporters of people like Donald Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News who spread out blatant lies and hateful speech. It’s truly sad to see how ignorance manifests itself into hateful actions in this world but what’s really powerful is the power of love to breakdown all of that hate.
Across the nation (100 colleges and counting) and across the globe (S/O to Australia, South Africa, Germany, South Korea, and others) have stood in solidarity and love with us as students fighting for justice. It’s takes a community to heal the hatred and the community I’ve seen this past week has been so inspiring to me. So as the world continues to face tragedies, hatred, racism, sexism, etc., every day let us NEVER forget the power of love and NEVER forget the power of community.
Love conquers all. Love never fails. Love always wins.
Jonathan Butler is a graduate student at the University of Missouri.