Disappoinment and Discouragement by Dr. Kluane Spake

Disappoinment and Discouragement by Dr. Kluane Spake January 17, 2012

Perhaps your life is like a total eclipse of the sun right now. I’ve run into a lot of people who are having really difficult times. It is a time where much is unknown.

Discouragement and disappointment can come from everywhere — misunderstandings, family problems, other people, financial problems, business, health, relationships… or everything at once.

Disappointment and discouragement will also often be experienced because of other people — a parent, family member, or someone you feel close to who doesn’t keep the promises they made or implied. It may be something that should NOT have happened.

It is caused by covenant breakers.

Mainly, disappointment and discouragement is caused by unmet expectations.

You’ve probably heard the old story about the devil having a “going out of business” sale.There was a huge room and everything had a price tag on it. But, there was a tiny little box with the most expensive price tag.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“It’s filled with DISCOURAGEMENT. That’s the only thing he needs to do his job.”

Well, for sure life has this way of throwing the unexpected at us. Things that catch us off guard. The worst can be from people who make choices that change our life plans. If it hasn’t happened this week, then be assured it will happen. Disappointment is part of life. It really is.

I’m convinced the final conflict, the final Armageddon is in our mind. The place of the greatest warfare must be won inside of ourselves. This is not a fight against the devil, it is a fight in our minds to believe again. To keep moving forward.

II Timothy 1:12 says,”No one who believes (adheres to, relies on, trusts in) Jesus will ever be disappointed” (AMP). He will never disappoint. This does not mean that you will never have any disappointments, but rather that DISAPPOINTMENTS bring HIS APPOINTMENTS.

Dis-couragement causes us to lose our courage.

The operative word here for me is, “Never.” He will never disappoint. So, that means that whatever the event is/was, it’s not from Him.

God is not “allowing this difficulty” to teach you or me a lesson though disappointment.He doesn’t have to teach His beloved Sons that way. In Him there is light and variance or shadow of turning.

But, we can learn from it!

When disappointment happens, you have some choices to make. The following are NOT the best choices!

1. Dwell on the disappointment, and become sad, disillusioned, depressed, cynical, and hopeless.

2. Lie about it and pretend that nothing has happened. Refuse to talk about it.

3. Deny everything and keep hoping that something will change or work out.

4. Avoid taking risks of letting it happen again.

Disappointment is the emotion of sadness caused when your expectations are not realized. Perhaps you feel let down because of the belief that now you’re going to miss out on something forever.

Life has twists and turns. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. People will fail you. Often, that is not intentional. Their own system of needs may require them to make choices that affect you negatively. Systems will change.

Some seasons of life are more difficult than others. Overwhelming and unexplainable dynamicsmay surround everyone. Resistance to your dreams may try to overtake. But, know this for sure:

· You can’t live expecting disappointment to happen again.

· Living in unresolved grievous disappointment can make your life to be dull and lifeless.

· To avoid situations where you might make mistakes and be disappointed — may be the biggest mistake of all.

Disappointment can lead to disillusionment or it can lead to new expectations. You choose.

Which will you choose? Yesterday, a friend told me that no matter how black the sky is, if you “Go up higher” you will find that the day is always incredibly beautiful.”

It’s true. There are no black clouds in the upper atmosphere.

It is time to breathe and catch the wind of hope for tomorrow.

As time goes on, you will be more sad about what you didn’t try to do than what you did try and failed. Get up, my friend, and try again! Don’t give up!


1. What was your dream or hope that was stopped?

2. State the problem, heartbreak, disappointment.

3. Was this a divine idea? Did God speak it or was it just something you really wanted?

4. Was it for NOW? Should it be resurrected from the dead? Or is there a better option now?

5. KNOW that God did not cause the disappointment.

6. Did someone fail you?

7. Did you do something that caused them to react?

8. Did you try to correct it?

9. No matter who is at fault, is forgiveness covering your mind?


1. Did you know that trouble would come? Did you ignore the signals?

2. Did you keep on working too hard and ignore the warning signs

3. What can you learn from this experience?

4. Why was this expectation unrealistic?

5. State forgiveness even if you don’t feel it!

6. How will you not make this mistake again?

7. How can you change your expectations.

8. What are some realistic new dreams?

9. How can you move forward today?

Right now, determine to allow your heart to dare to explore, dream, and discover hope again.

It is absolutely imperative that the Lord “open the eyes” (of your understanding) so that you can “see” who He really is. And with authority, I decree this prayer this for you today. “And your eyes are opened, and you SEE and recognize Him” (Luke 24:31). You HEAR His voice. You KNOW the next steps to take.

Rom. 5:5 And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Heb. 13:5 I will NEVER leave you or forsake you. 

Be empowered to face the impossible. Let your confession be watered by the streams of His high places. Let each trial become another stepping-stone. Run INTO the Lord. Surrender your self-will. Let this impossible place of today become the memory of accomplishment and overcoming! God loves you. He created you for His pleasure. 

My friend, this is not the end. It is just the beginning. Be encouraged!

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