January 10, 2010

Patience is both virtue, and a hard discipline. It is more than waiting for something, or for conditions to change. Patience asks us to live the moment to the fullest, to be completely present to the here and now, while being where we are. Let’s be patient in living every moment fully, knowing that the treasure we wait for is hidden in the ground on which we stand. Read more

January 9, 2010

You can be successful and unfruitful. Success can bring rewards and even fame. Fruits, however, are birthed from righteousness, authenticity and vulnerability. Success can be fleeting, but fruits of divine origin are eternal. Intimacy is a fruit that grows from love touching one another at a heart level. What brings true joy is not success itself, but fruit that has its origin in God, and fruit that remains. Read more

January 8, 2010

When we cease trying to do what we cannot do, God begins to do what we could never do. This produces fruit for those who are truly placing their lives in the Lord’s hands. Our works do not become religious works at all, they are simply the works of Him who lives in us, and is having His way through our lives. Cease the struggle, surrender to His life, and watch Him come forth powerfully as the world takes notice. Read more

January 7, 2010

Life is precious and filled with vulnerability. We must embrace change, and embrace how vulnerable we really are. In this wonderful life, we are not alone, and have access to guidance, support, and security, from the One who made us and loves us. No matter how powerful or successful we may be, a new born child, and a dying elderly can be reminders of how precious each moment is, and how much we need our God. Read more

January 6, 2010

God’s presence touches the most hidden parts of peoples souls, and brings healing. You are a Kingdom Priest forever, and your calling to be an instrument of His presence never ends. You are called, you are worthy, and that is forever, even when you do not feel like it. You are His glory on earth. Begin to silence all thoughts and voices that speak against what the Lord declares about you. Read more

January 5, 2010

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January 5, 2010

Wisdom can come in any moment. We must expect God to reveal things to us throughout each day to learn and grow from. Let’s not be afraid to receive each day’s gleanings, whether it comes to us as sorrow or joy. It can open a new place in our hearts, a place where our world-view is expanded, and a place where we gain an increased capacity to receive God’s love. We then become powerful conduits of God’s love to others. Read more

January 5, 2010

Joy and sorrow never part ways in this life. When our hearts rejoice, we may miss our friends who cannot see joy, and when we are overwhelmed with grief, we may discover true friendship. Joy and sorrow are hidden in each other. If we try everything to avoid sorrow, we may never taste joy, and if we are concerned about joy, pain may never be discovered. Joy and sorrow are often the seeds of our spiritual growth. Read more

January 2, 2010

Essential to the work of reconciliation is a nonjudgmental presence. We have not been sent to the world to judge, to condemn, to evaluate, to classify, or to label. When we walk around as if we have figured people out, what is wrong, and how they should change, we only create more division. Nonjudgmental living is birthed from an intimate walk with the Lord, and will be easily recognized by those who long for God’s love. Read more

January 2, 2010

So much of our energy, time, and money goes into maintaining distance from one another. We erect many walls of separation, so we can protect, defend, and maintain our privileged position. Imagine more effort and resources being put in the service of peace and reconciliation! There would be less poverty, crimes, wars, and a lot more unity. God imagines, a whole world not only created but also living in His image. Read more

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