January 19, 2010

Self rejection rapidly brings spiritual life into darkness. Wondering how anyone could love you is not humility. Humility is thankfulness for being precious in God’s eyes in our imperfection, and living in His view of significant existence. As valued servants, we take courage by listening to God’s voice for our lives. He calls us beloved children, and we can obediently choose to live our lives according to His truth. Read more

January 18, 2010

Some say it is fantasy to believe in harmony and peace in people and creation. It is not. Isaiah saw wolf and lamb together before Christ had come. This is the Kingdom of God in perfection of reconciliation. In a world of turmoil, if we let go of the vision of our ultimate inheritance, we may miss the power and healing that flows from it, and eventually fall into delusion, and the destructive forces that follow. Read more

January 17, 2010

We often desire to see into the future and figure how it will be this year, or in five or ten years. We pray and plan, but God’s plans prevail. Mostly we have just enough light to see the next steps for the moment or coming days. Faithful living is to appreciate what we see, and not worry about what we cannot see. If we have no shadows in our future, we would need no faith for His light. In... Read more

January 17, 2010

Please click this link to see this weeks Articles featuring several authors and life changing teachings. Read more

January 16, 2010

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts anyone could ever receive, or give. It is a relationship beyond common goals, interests, or histories. It is the unifying of souls that surrender to selfless love. It is being with each other in joy and sorrow, even when we are powerless to increase joy or diminish the sorrow. Friendship shines brightly upon all of life, and blessed are those who will lay down their lives for their friends. Read more

January 15, 2010

We all have weeds in our garden that need to be pulled. Light continues to dispel the darkness each and every day that we choose God’s Kingdom over our own ways. Weeds of self must continue to be removed in order for our garden of life to grow, and His glory to manifest more fully through our lives. Our garden includes “Christ in us, the hope of glory”, and as we allow Him to remove the clutter, the fruit that... Read more

January 14, 2010

Our Choices matter! Even through the most difficult times, choice remains. When life seems out of control, choice is the one thing we can control. We can choose to submit to God’s eternal perspective, and His perspective is always, “ALL THINGS work together for good”, for His beloved. When we make the right choice and see beyond self, we can radically influence our lives, and the lives of our family and friends. Read more

January 13, 2010

We have only one life span on earth to live out our God given destinies. We have exactly 168 hours per week, and new technology will not change this. We are eternal, but we can never get back time already spent in this world. Everything can be urgent and yet not eternally important. Let’s create an urgency for the eternally important things in life and put a pause button on all other things that may be a distraction to God’s... Read more

January 13, 2010

One of the greatest hindrances to the love of God is religion. Religion makes what I believe better than what you believe. Religion says, “We have all truth, and others have missed it.” Religion has created a huge gap between two groups called, “Us” and “Them”. God does not look at the world and see us and them. He only sees all of Us, His crown of creation. Lord let us see Us the way you see Us. Read more

January 11, 2010

Lingering negative emotions can create the illusion that we belong in them. We remain stuck in anger, envy, or one who is perpetually “offended” or “insignificant”. If you find yourself in emotions that impact your identity, explore the source, and in God, move to higher ground. You are more than significant, and He will guide you to leave behind the things that are hindrances to the path He has set before you. Read more

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