December 31, 2009

When we are free from the need to judge or condemn, we become a safe place. The more we are rooted in the love of God, we become a healing environment for others. When people realize that we have no hidden agenda or unspoken intentions, and that our desire is for peace, healing and reconciliation, they may find freedom and courage to open their hearts to the miracle that the Lord wants to bring into their lives. Read more

December 30, 2009

One of the hardest things to let go of in life is old hurts. You may have declared it would not be forgiven or forgotten. You cannot do this, but God can. You cannot experience the fullness of freedom, and at the same time hold on to old wounds. Will you choose this day to allow the Lord to expose and dismantle perpetual unforgiveness in your heart? You are a new creation in Him, and He will renew your heart... Read more

December 29, 2009

Reconciliation needs to be ongoing. Think of how often our thoughts and feelings are impacted negatively by those different than us. In that moment an enemy appears in the form of a friend, co-worker, family, or a stranger that has a different lifestyle, thinks differently, speaks differently, or just does not act as we like. We need reconciliation in our hearts immediately, to respond in God’s love and grace. Read more

December 29, 2009

Please click this link to see this weeks Articles and consider subscribing at the very same Link Read more

December 28, 2009

To help others towards reconciliation with God, we must let the truth of our own reconciliation with Him permeate every part of our lives. As long as we are not fully and thoroughly convinced that we have been reconciled with God, that we are forgiven, that we have received new hearts, new spirits, new eyes to see, and new ears to hear, we will continue to create divisions because of false expectations. When we know that everything we need is... Read more

December 28, 2009

Observations and Ponderings For 2010 By Robert Ricciardelli I love to ponder the possibilities and creative ways we can please God and serve others. I love to reflect on how things are, and “what if” we changed them. How can we further align ourselves toward His Most Excellent Ways. We only know in part, so it is always good to check what we think that we know often. These are observations and ponderings can be purposeful to challenge existing... Read more

December 27, 2009

You have been designed by Almighty God. Not by chance, but by love. He made you, and is wonderfully making you more like Him. There is no one else like you, and He loves and accepts you as you are. His grace covers all of your needs. You are His plan to reveal Himself on earth. You have purpose that is far beyond what you currently can know, and He will guide you to where you should go. Read more

December 26, 2009

Jesus came to reconcile the world back to the Father. As the Father has sent Christ, so Christ has sent us. So our task is reconciliation. Wherever we go we see divisions in families, cities, and nations. Most divisions are the result of being separated from God. So whatever we do in ministry, we must ask ourselves, “Does this bring reconciliation, healing and life to others?” Read more

December 25, 2009

Christmas is an attitude. Origin or day matters little. God is what matters. God goes far beyond a time or a season but will use any season we give Him. I see it as a reflection of the hope that is here. I see it as family coming together in celebration. I see it as a party of faith, hope, and love. I see it as good, and I see it as God. I do not worship a tree or... Read more

December 24, 2009

The more of God’s divinity I touch the more I need Him, and the less I rely on self. As I surrender to Him more, self reliance diminishes. I choose to surrender to God every moment of the day in my house, in my business, and in every trial and temptation? My hearts desire is to surrender more fully, but I cannot do this. So it is His Spirit working in me not only to will, but also to carry... Read more

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