April 11, 2013

Some people have all the authority while others are told they must obey those in authority. This separation can cause authoritative behavior on the one side and doormat behavior on the other. It will most often pervert authority as well as obedience. A person with great authority who has nobody to be obedient to is in great spiritual danger. A very obedient person who lives with no authority can equally be in danger. Jesus spoke with great authority, was given... Read more

April 8, 2013

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April 7, 2013

It is God who holds the blueprint of man’s original design, and declares man’s authentic value. To understand this and then forget who you really are when you face life’s challenges, is to deceive yourself. To forget who you are as a beloved child of God does not change who you are, but it certainly may neutralize your opportunity to overcome. This can waste precious moments of your life.  For a moment the challenges may seem overwhelming and more powerful... Read more

April 6, 2013

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April 3, 2013

Reading about mountains is different than climbing them Some of the most important truths in the Bible are found in obscure passages that never made the highlight reel of miracles, crosses, virgin births, and empty tombs.  Tucked away, for example, between Jesus healing of a sick man by a fountain, and his feeding multiple thousands with a few loaves of bread, I found one the most powerful, and least talked about statements Jesus ever made.  His miracles created quite a... Read more

March 31, 2013

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ to shield me. Christ in the heart of every one who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks of me. I arise today…….. Read more

March 29, 2013

The mind can play tricks and deceive you. We must search for God and truth in all of our thoughts. The mind will justify what the heart has chosen. It will give you every reason, including scripture to back what you have chosen. the key is the choose wisely and then let the mind serve the best choices you can make based on God and authentic values. Read more

March 29, 2013

What are you believing for. Believe and watch God do what only He can do. Read more

March 20, 2013

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March 17, 2013

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