Living For Something Rather than Against by Robert Ricciardelli

Living For Something Rather than Against by Robert Ricciardelli January 15, 2012

We live in a world of shifting foundations, where our worldview seems to be redefined every few months, and it can leave us anxious. Yet, we must lead others toward hope filled faith. When we do not live in the peace and expectation of God, we tend to expend our energy negatively by being against things rather than for the things we do believe in as foundational for life. We must not fall into the trap of an energy draining focus on what we are against rather than the life giving energy that comes only through faith, hope, and love.

All things that can be shaken are being shaken. Are you allowing them to shake your sure foundation?

Are you living in communion with God in the midst of all the changes in order to allow God to navigate you through?

What is your focus? Have you allowed fear or despair to enter in, or are you filled with faith and hope for tomorrow?

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