Soar On His Wings by Robert Ricciardelli

Soar On His Wings by Robert Ricciardelli April 26, 2009

God has a purpose for Christian men and women! This is no surprise to those of us who have made the choice to love God with all of our heart soul and mind, and love our neighbors and all of those the Lord brings our way abundantly. These two pillars of our faith are the foundation for everything we do in life. First things first, love God, for it is out of the abundance of our love and relationship with Him that makes loving others even possible. Mercy and grace flow out of our lives of service to the King and His Kingdom. If we truly love Him, we will truly obey Him and submit ourselves, our lives, our resources to the guidance of His precious Holy Spirit within us.

The revelation of His priorities is vital because truly every part of our being is His. Every moment, every day, every victory, every trial, every abundant season and every season of lack is His, for it is He that is our very breath and the sustenance in all things. To be Father pleasers we must have a listening ear, a giving spirit, and a desire to do good to others which will agree with the Spirit and the Word. As we live the exchanged life of service to Him, our agreement allows His presence to flow and impart freedom to others. As ambassadors for Christ we are reflections and channels of God’s love for all people.

If we are His people called by His name, we will live our lives fully in Him and works of God will be manifested. And it is truly work, a conscious choice to forsake self in order to fulfill His purposes for our lives. But there is a kingdom dynamic we must know…..we must rely on The Lord Himself working through us, and not to work in our own strength. Jesus said in John 5:19 that He Himself could do nothing of His own accord… We therefore should know that we are powerless except for the choice to receive His power in and through our lives.

Isaiah 40:29-31 reflects an awareness of this truth.

29 He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
31 But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Following are some principles from this passage that are worth considering.

First, God does not expect you to do by yourself what only He can do by working through you. The Lord gives the energy, power, and tools you need to do your God-given tasks. Second, even the young and energetic will become exhausted if they try to serve God in their own strength rather than in His power. Third, through all the difficulties of life, God renews the energy of the faithful. He grants men and women of faith new strength so that they can fulfill their call to service.

God loves you! He loved us before we loved Him. The is good news of faith in the King is that we now become sons of the Almighty God, and can operate as His sons. Father can now use imperfect people like us to do great things for Him. HE will fulfill all in us for His glory and purposes. In those moments when we fail, become weary, or feel discouraged, God will give us the strength to continue to the end.

Father bless my brothers and sisters around the world. Strengthen your servants that are in the trenches of this world doing battle for your kingdom. Father, advance your kingdom mightily through each of us. Mold us into the image of your son, so that every motive and intent is pure in the love of God. Give us God power to replace our power, Give us your will to replace our own will and give us your burden for the lost. Renew the vision in your people to know there is no greater revelation then the cross and resurrection of your son and the power of the gospel to bring in your harvest in Jesus name!

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