October 20, 2024

The Christian Doctrine of the Divine Attributes Part 1 Here I begin a discussion, with others, of the book The Christian Doctrine of the Divine Attributes by German theologian Hermann Cremer. I announced this book discussion two weeks ago. If you have read Chapter I “The Concept of the Divine Attributes,” you are welcome to comment. If not, you are welcome to ask a question. I read not only Chapter I but also the Introduction and Preface. I found the... Read more

October 16, 2024

I Told You So… On Sunday, October 13, presidential candidate Donald Trump told an interviewer on Fox News that he would possibly favor using the US Military, including the National Guard (who he would have control over as president), against the “enemy within,” “sick people, radical left lunatics.” Anyone who has been paying any attention knows who he means. I have warned people here many times that IF Trump wins the presidency again we may enter into an era of... Read more

October 13, 2024

Wiping Away Christianity One segment of the contemporary right-wing movement is represented by the “Million Women March” on Washington D.C. (October 12). Tens of thousands of American women, mostly mothers, marched on Washington to express their dissatisfaction with American culture’s moral decline and the “elites’” attempt to wipe Christianity away from politics, education and popular culture in general. What’s that all about? The majority of today’s American conservative movement believe Christianity is a fundamental part of American culture. Many of... Read more

October 9, 2024

Is Suicide a Sin? Is Suicide a sin? If so, does God forgive it? Those questions come to me fairly often. Most recently, a former student and friend committed suicide. He was a well-loved chaplain, a loving man, compassionate and caring. Everyone who knew him admired him. But he suffered major depression. His death made me think again about this question. I do not think suicide is a sin, but if it is, it’s one God automatically forgives. Not because... Read more

October 7, 2024

For Theology Nerds: A Book to Discuss It has been a while since I proposed a book discussion here. Here is one I intend to start and lead here. I will start with the Preface and Chapter 1: The Concept of the Divine Attributes in approximately two weeks. That will give you time to order the book and read pages xxi-10. The book is The Christian Doctrine of the Divine Attributes by German theologian Hermann Cremer (Pickwick Publications, Wipf &... Read more

October 5, 2024

What Is Democratic Socialism? Democratic socialism is what all rational people would choose in the “original condition” under the “veil of ignorance.” That’s why I support it. Historically it has been promoted by many Christians including the original Pietists such as Philipp Jacob Spener (1635-1705) and August Hermann Francke (1663-1727). Pietist Christians were among the founders of Scandinavian socialism. Democratic socialism is socialism chosen by the people—as in Scandinavia. A few years ago Danes were given the opportunity to vote... Read more

October 2, 2024

Why Trump? Ever since the 2016 race for the White House I have asked myself and some other people “Why Trump?” What does he have that attracts such passionate support from so many Americans? I have spent hours reading and watching (respectable Youtube videos interviewing Trump supporters and others), trying to understand this phenomenon. Here are some reasons I have found. First, people all over the world, especially in Europe and the Americas, are attracted to populism. Trump puts on... Read more

September 26, 2024

Does Satan Do That? Recently I was talking with a friend about a failed plan to get together. Our meeting would have taken some planning and travel. We pondered why, why our plan for along-overdue reunion fell through due to circumstances beyond our control. He suggested that God’s plans over rule ours. “Man proposes, but God disposes.” It says something like that in Proverbs. But is it always God? Does God make our carefully crafted plans fall through? I speak... Read more

September 23, 2024

A New Evangelical “Barmen Declaration?”   I have long called for a new Barmen Declaration that addressed our contemporary American political and social crisis.  Here is one recently written and signed by many evangelical and other leaders. I have asked that my name be attached. I’m not including the list of signers here as, in the past, some have gotten into trouble with their institutions or churches for signing declarations. If you are not familiar with the Barmen Declaration, look... Read more

September 20, 2024

Should Christians Believe in Ghosts? Many, many people do believe in “ghosts,” more an visions or apparitions of the “spirits” of people who are deceased. Ontologically real beings who are dead and appear to people. Should Christians believe in these? Many do. I have always been curious about ghosts. One story I was told growing up was that, when I was about three, I “saw” my dead mother. She died when I was two. One day, people tell me, some... Read more

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