A break from all the seriousness…

A break from all the seriousness… June 11, 2011

Do you have a TRUE story of “pulpit humor” to share here?  One commenter shared that a Nazarene preacher told his congregation “I want to see some of you Nazarene women without pants on!”  It’s hard to believe, but I’ve heard worse.

So here’s my worst or best one (depending on your perspective, I guess):

Setting–denominational convention, Sunday evening “big service” with thousands in attendance.  The denominational leaders and guest speakers (mostly men) sitting on the platform during the “song service” facing the audience.  During the missions offering, the leaders of the Women’s World Fellowship (denominational women’s group) walked across the stage holding signs with the week’s announcements on them–signs facing the audience.  After the offering, a denominational leader stepped up to the pulpit and said “Well, I don’t know what you folks out there saw during the offering, but we saw the same behinds as last year!”  (The WWF had simply used last year’s announcement signs and painted this year’s announcements on the backs of them and turned them around so that the men on the platform saw last year’s announcement.)  This really happened.  According to my parents and uncles and aunts who were there (I’m not sure if I was there; I would have been very, very young) the audience broke out into waves and waves of laughter that kept going off and on throughout the entire rest of the evening.

So, what’s your best TRUE story of something someone said or did in the pulpit or at the lectern?  It can’t be an “evangelegend”–something you don’t know where or when it happened or to whom.  (I know the name of the man who said that in my story, but I’m not giving it here to protect the innocent–his descendents!)  You either had to have been there and seen/heard it yourself or know the details of when and where and who.

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